PaulTon: We need to work out how the money would be held and paid out, this has to be open, accountable and beyond any doubt. (Could WGT facillitate this?).
I would not want any players to receive anything apart from Kudos.
Personally if WGT could set up a tournament and have an entrance fee which would go to a charity would be the easiest way.
If would be nice if WGT could match that entrance fee, but if not, how about using starters balls.
If WGT cannot/wiil not facilitate this then it gets logistically difficult to do, but would still rely on WGT helping to take credits off players.
The entrance fee should be set so as many players that can afford it would enter. I would rather this be open to as many as possible, as Andyson did things for everyone, not only friends. Perhaps also have an option for additional donations, but again as Paul says, accountability is paramount.
Personally I would rather have a one off tournament that an ongoing event as interest often wanes or time constraints make this difficult.