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Best of Famous

rated by 0 users
Tue, Sep 20 2016 3:21 PM (3 replies)
  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Tue, Sep 20 2016 2:24 PM

    Does  18H Best of Famous Holes and Hard Holes count towards your average? I know that the Par 3, Par 4 and Par 5 do not.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Sep 20 2016 2:40 PM

    Ranked rounds at Best of Famous/Hardest/Par4s all count towards your average.

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Tue, Sep 20 2016 3:11 PM

    Does  18H Best of Famous Holes and Hard Holes count towards your average?

    It's not courses but games which do or do not count in. Ranked and tournament strokeplay rounds on courses with Pars between 60 and 80 count towards the average. Practice, Skins, Matches, A/S don't. (Blitz and CTTH aren't on these courses)

    I know that the Par 3, Par 4 and Par 5 do not.

    You know not. Invers to the above "60 to 80" statement, only Par3s and Par5s don't.

  • GitUsummaDis
    468 Posts
    Tue, Sep 20 2016 3:21 PM

    Okay I got ya. Thanks for explaining.