Outlaw713: get robbed because of the shitty meter.
90% of the time it`s persons computer what is reasonable 10% WGT.
You set up two computers.
1st computer new version 2010 laptop or PC cleaned down , with Goggle chrome or game boaster v10 flash & have no other programs running , no program updates etc etc you no where I am going with that & all other in game options to of.
2nd computer an older one using just internet explorer have it jammed packed with software , photos , games etc etc.
With the 2nd computer it is near imposable to hit the ball. getting anywhere near the ding is like winning lotto. ........jump...... pause.......stop........jump.......hit........l....look there goes a girl.... damn thing in the weeds.
With the 1st computer example most of the time the meter is fine , every now & then you do get the odd meter trouble manly on weekends with the mass amount of traffic on the site. But I have found if I have meter issues I reload & start again & guess what it is fine. Maybe browser issues or virtual memory is low.