pdb1: What is really needed is for WGT to enable another partial admin in each CC . With the same or almost the same permissions as the owner . Maybe 1 for every 100 members . Maximum of 3 for a 250 member CC . To be able to share the owners permissions with 1 or 2 more officers . And lessen the burden that has always been soley on the owner .
I am not quite sure what you are suggesting here. A 250 authorized member club can have up to 6 directors. The way director permissions are set in Black Diamond, directors can do everything the owner can except 3 things: kill the club, transfer ownership, and change member status (for example: evict from club, change from recruit to member, add a director). No respectable owner would share the first 2, and WGT does not allow an owner to share the third. That is hardly critical.
Or, are you suggesting an owner be allowed to distinguish between directors as to permissions? If that, it is unnecessary. The veterans category can be used for that. (BD doesn't use veterans.)
If you are alluding to the absentee owner problem which is the subject of another forum, I lived through that once and addressed it in the other forum. But, in short, recognizing unforeseen tragedies can happen, an owner should share his sign-in information with 1 or 2 trusted members with permission to use it to transfer ownership if the owner is absent without explanation for an extended, specified period of time. That is what I have done in BD to protect the club.