Other things I do TAP:
- Check for graphics card driver updates and keep it current.
-If you run any other apps during gameplay (I have Excel for note taking, Skype, and Windows Live Mail, and a paint program open) move their processes off the CPU used for Chrome. Its a PITA to do this, but I leave them open and seldom reboot so I do it once in a while only.
-I assume you set game options for efficiency (low/mid graphics quality, water reflections and flag animation, etc off)
-Probably the most important thing I do is pause 4 seconds at the top of the backswing to allow the CPU to settle down.
-I only have the WGT game client window open in my FF browser while playing.
I have 82 processes running and get only an occasional stutter/lag in solo play. MP is another story with higher CPU usage by the game in MP I get more meter issues.