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To stop swing jitters need more RAM?

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Fri, Oct 14 2016 11:06 AM (26 replies)
  • TopFlite7
    345 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 8:04 AM


    Hi TopFlite

      My system is old. I only have 2 gigs of RAM. Using Vista Home Premium 32bit and Chrome.

     I use vista home 32 bit the most you can add in mem is 1 gig windows 32 bit will only use 3 gig of mem just how it is.

      I play with Firefox My question to you is, have you added any new progs that are running in the back round. I do not use windows defender or windows fire wall, I had to turn off update was getting meter jump, update was a mem hog.

       When you get into the WGT play page make sure your profile page is closed and have no other windows open. Check in game options and turn of what you do not need, WGT has added some options in there updates you my not want to load as part of your game play.

      By the way Microsoft is phasing out updates for Vista they want all to be on 10 lol.

    I hope this helps Top,   Good Luck and Good Golf.





    I found something about size of mega bite (?) I changed my C drive to 512. Helped the meter. Jumps but is better. 

    I forgot where to click on to shut off different things when playing a game.

    I closed out all tabs before and after playing different holes and meter is about the same.

    Realize no more help with Vista.

    My system won't let me expand my RAM past 2 GB.

    Thanks for your input.

    Thanks for your input


  • TopFlite7
    345 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 8:15 AM


    Thanks for this link.

    Going to have to read it a few times to understand it more.

    Maybe there are somethings I can shut off that are not needed.



  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 9:45 AM



    Try another browser. Maxthon is the prevailing choice.

    Just tried it , same thing as Chrome and FireFox.

    Just uninstalled FireFox and Maxthon.

    Played 1 hole just now swing meter is still jumpy on Chrome only.



    With Maxthon you can change out the core settings .  Top right of browser page 3 horizontal bars is the menu . Click on it and go down to Switch browser core : Ultra >Retro click on that and try both versions and see which one works best .


  • boeling
    320 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 10:49 AM

    when ram too low (600 mb),need  reload

  • TopFlite7
    345 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 12:04 PM




    Try another browser. Maxthon is the prevailing choice.

    Just tried it , same thing as Chrome and FireFox.

    Just uninstalled FireFox and Maxthon.

    Played 1 hole just now swing meter is still jumpy on Chrome only.



    With Maxthon you can change out the core settings .  Top right of browser page 3 horizontal bars is the menu . Click on it and go down to Switch browser core : Ultra >Retro click on that and try both versions and see which one works best .


    I'll look into that.


    P.S. Downloaded Maxthon, the Ultra>Retro is grayed out. So that means I can't do anything with it.


    Restarted Maxthon, the Ultra>Retron was now highlighted , but no choices were available.

    Used the options before starting a game and shut off a lot. 

    Found out don't shut off caddy or you won't see your avatar. lol.

    Swing meter looks smoother than anything so far .

    Will use Maxthon as my stand alone browser  for playing WGT for now.

  • TopFlite7
    345 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 12:07 PM


    when ram too low (600 mb),need  reload

    You lost me on your answer.

    If you mean when I changed my C drive to 512 I did a reboot (restart).

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 1:15 PM

    There are a number of things regarding your computer that cause the meter to be less than smooth. Having a smooth meter is mostly about having a good and regular computer maintenance  routine.

    Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer


  • TopFlite7
    345 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 1:56 PM


    There are a number of things regarding your computer that cause the meter to be less than smooth. Having a smooth meter is mostly about having a good and regular computer maintenance  routine.

    Smooth meter - Optimizing your Windows computer


    Tried looking for what you recommend but can't find it.

    I can open the graph's in task manager ,under performance, but that's it.


  • Marco129
    275 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 2:33 PM

    I had the same problem on my old pc (2gig ram)

    To extend the "life" of your pc try using a flashdrive to increase your memory. (It worked for me) This will allow you to increase your memory to 4 gigs of memory without opening the case.

    Here is a link to a youtube video explaining how to do it.

    Make sure you use an adblocker. I recommend Disconnect. It uses less memory than the other blockers.

    Use a dedicated browser with no ad-ons or plugins other than the blocker and flash. Every ad-on and plugin will suck up memory.

    Tweek a couple of other things in your WGT set-up.

    There is a lot of what I call "artwork" in the WGT game. This all takes memory if loaded.

    - Turnoff Hole in One challenges

    - Change flash quality to medium (low will give you a better meter, but it makes it harder to see and play the game.

    - Lesson Button off

    - Reflections off.

    - Hole info display off

    - Flag animation off

    - Surveys no

    - Credit offers no

    - Swing meter boost off

    - Tee shot data off

     - Background loading off

     - In the game (when it is your turn to play) you can get rid  of the David Leadbetter tips  that display when selecting your club and shot type. Do this by clicking the little arrow on the top right corner of the box

    Last, but not least, play using the pop-up gameclient, but do not play in a maximized window or in full screen. The smaller the game the better your meter will be. I used to size the window to approximately 10.5'w x 8" h. The resizing of the window and change of game settings will reduce the amount of memory the game will use.

    I hope this helps,

     - Mark


  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Oct 10 2016 2:42 PM

    Go online and look at Dell laptops at Walmart . Make sure that it has a minimum i3 intel core processors and be done with it . You can get a refurbished one with i5 processors for around 250.00 dollars .