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Just got here

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Wed, Jul 20 2011 10:05 AM (13 replies)
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  • duncanbryan
    1 Posts
    Sun, Apr 3 2011 10:23 PM

    Game looks good, gonna go hit some and see how it goes.  Anyone read these things?

  • VanHalenLover
    1,422 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 5:34 AM

    Plenty do, feel free to post your questions when you run across any, many helpful players here to assist you!

  • golfkid210
    313 Posts
    Mon, Apr 4 2011 9:47 AM

    Yup, I'm another reader.  The only addition I'd make to VHL would be to check the FAQ's on the side before you post a question to see if its a common issue.

  • TheFigster
    47 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 10:55 AM

    Wow, you sure came out of the box strong.. already a legend, and the top money earner this month.. not a bad game in your stats.. hec of a job for a newbie...

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 4:07 PM

    Don't mean to offend you Duncan but I find it virtually impossible to achieve your level and tier in such a short time. Are you sure there isn't something you'd like to tell us? 

  • TNP56
    510 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 4:22 PM

    LOL Where's ICON when ya need him ......

  • Blazn
    14 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 4:31 PM

    yeah how is this? 3 months top money allready

    69 Posts
    Mon, Jul 18 2011 4:43 PM

    hahahahahahah, impressive. not a hicup in ur game. don't know when that last time i had a clean meter for a whole game. yet some on this site seem to never have meter issues... hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • TheFigster
    47 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 4:37 AM

    Yup.. aces recorded already.. not counting those not recorded.. and some of us don't get one in a lifetime.. wow.. what a talent!

  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Wed, Jul 20 2011 8:54 AM

    Blatantly  obvious what hes doin not rocket science,yet comes on here all innocent    .  lmao what  people will do amazes  me. 

    Forgot too add its took  me 12  month too get too  level .n  i play  most days for fun.3 months too where   he,s got,  makes u wonder dont it..


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