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Need more exp points per round.

rated by 0 users
Wed, Nov 9 2016 11:05 AM (25 replies)
  • HardCoded
    21 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2016 8:02 AM

    300 to 400 exp points for 45min to 1 1/2 hours of play is just not enough. That barely moves the meter.

    And thats if you get 3-4 players and no one quits.

    Maybe add the 50% bonus exp for a longer period of time or something. 

    Im level 88 trying to get to 92 for the nike club discount and i just dont see me making it by the end of November.  Without the concsecutive days boost ur wasting time. 400exp barely moves the meter.  And the higher u progress the more points needed between levels to level up.

     Help us out for this Nike sale WGT.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Oct 31 2016 10:16 PM

    "Need more XPs!" - you use 500 cr balls, you're grinding for XPs which have
    no value, and you cry for MORE! - they certainly have you by the balls!

    I can't see them giving us more XP boni after lowering the Nikes' levels - they will want to keep (&squeeze) what they have in hand (see above)!

    My two Pfennig: Play MPs only for fun! (not XPs, not average, not credits)

    For you, it might be more efficient XP-wise to play single tournaments - 190+strokes for 9 holes (20 mins), 400+strokes for 18 holes (40 mins). Using Starters saves credits BTW.

    The most efficient way to gain XPs is the CDP - with the new system, after 14 days, you'll receive 822+ XPs daily for just one shot, and more to come if you keep on grinding.

    BTW, you're at about 400,000 XPs and the level gaps are becoming steeper:
    L92 is at 664,469 XPs - for you, about 4,000 per day until New Year's Eve
    - how far can you get?

    But, instead of wasting your time, you should look out for some fun!

    It's out there!

  • razza31
    703 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 1:21 AM

    I can't see them giving us more XP boni after lowering the Nikes' levels

    True, also might be one of the times where the sale of XP boost is quite high. They wouldn't wanna put paid to that...


    isn't the idea to get out of our robotic comfort zones?

    yup, all clubs inc putters then...

  • HardCoded
    21 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 1:24 AM



    BTW: L92 is at 664,469 XPs - for you, about 4,000 per day until New Year - how far can you get?


    Good to know..  Saves me some playing time since it is an unattainable feat in that time frame and there is really nothing else to shoot for.   

    I would have to earn 7960.50 xps a day for 30 days to reach that number..  Yikes...  

    So now i see consecutive days dont really have a purpose at his point..  it will be years before I get to a level that provides better clubs than what I already have..    

    Good to know.

  • callaghan159
    6,453 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 1:28 AM

    I think when Nikes are gone something better will replace them.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 11:17 AM

    So now i see consecutive days dont really have a purpose at his point.

    They do, but not to the wanted extent. It's more a long distance run than a sprint. From 10 CDPs up, you get 500+ extra XPs per day, that's 10,000 in 11 days and probably 110,000 in 100 days.

    Still, it's smallish against the fast growing steps between levels, a nice teaser to accept the grind.

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 11:54 AM

    In 11 months you have become a level 88 Legend.  That shows a lot of determination. For myself, I estimate around 1500+ experience points per day. I get the most from time spent by playing a 9 hole free tournament as my very first round of the day.  I have been at this game for over 4 years and once had a consecutive day streak of 765 and have just recently moved to level 101. It will be perhaps another 5 months to move to 102. 

    My thought would be to play with the clubs you have or can get through a reasonable amount of play and not obsess over clubs just out of reach. As mentioned by a previous poster, WGT will add new clubs and remove others. Once or twice a year they seem to offer something at a reduced level, typically a high level driver. Just keep an eye out for these new clubs and deals and enjoy the game. Eventually you will have your bag filled with all the best that WGT offers only to find that they have brought out a "better" putter or a "superior" iron set that you just know will make you the best player on the course. This is WGT's way of continuing the profit stream.

  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 6:33 AM


    it will be years before I get to a level that provides better clubs than what I already have..    

    Yeah but we've all been there.  And now that WGT offer more exp for each day it won't take you al song as it took some of us.

    It's a slow grind but eventually you get there.  Try to think on a geological scale  :)


  • Fencer100
    2,065 Posts
    Sat, Nov 5 2016 3:51 AM


    300 to 400 exp points for 45min to 1 1/2 hours of play is just not enough. That barely moves the meter.

    And thats if you get 3-4 players and no one quits.

    Maybe add the 50% bonus exp for a longer period of time or something. 

    Im level 88 trying to get to 92 for the nike club discount and i just dont see me making it by the end of November.  Without the concsecutive days boost ur wasting time. 400exp barely moves the meter.  And the higher u progress the more points needed between levels to level up.

     Help us out for this Nike sale WGT.

    The bottom line is ....... more exp points = more ball wear = more ball purchases = more revenue to WGT. 500 cr balls too !

    That must mean spending loads of hard cash or spending hours on the credit hunts.

  • rtstro77
    137 Posts
    Sat, Nov 5 2016 7:54 AM

    I would like some help, from froum  any or all , I am at level 91, tring to get

    the Nike irons at L92, i wrote Santa, but he said "go away kid ya bother

    me" or was that W. C. Fields, anyway currently today 614006 pts.

    next level at 664469 pts. next day in will be 1267 pts.,next 1270

    25 days left, question: what should i play to assure the next level

    by Nov. 30?, alt. shot with CC pass,&  9 hole tourny., Blitz, single practice

    round with all the 35 or so free ball from Holidays over two years, play

    one hole practice # 7 at Pebble 200 times a day?

    Mike S.