"Need more XPs!" - you use 500 cr balls, you're grinding for XPs which have
no value, and you cry for MORE! - they certainly have you by the balls!
I can't see them giving us more XP boni after lowering the Nikes' levels - they will want to keep (&squeeze) what they have in hand (see above)!
My two Pfennig: Play MPs only for fun! (not XPs, not average, not credits)
For you, it might be more efficient XP-wise to play single tournaments - 190+strokes for 9 holes (20 mins), 400+strokes for 18 holes (40 mins). Using Starters saves credits BTW.
The most efficient way to gain XPs is the CDP - with the new system, after 14 days, you'll receive 822+ XPs daily for just one shot, and more to come if you keep on grinding.
BTW, you're at about 400,000 XPs and the level gaps are becoming steeper:
L92 is at 664,469 XPs - for you, about 4,000 per day until New Year's Eve
- how far can you get?
But, instead of wasting your time, you should look out for some fun!
It's out there!