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*** We would like your feedback - New Game Idea ***

Tue, Jun 30 2020 5:07 AM (201 replies)
  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 2:51 PM

    What's to fix, nobody's gifting anything or even talking about it. This has nothing to do with the idea put forth by Icon. 
    Then I have no clue what you were alluding too in your previous post.

    Regardless, I stick by my "It's a great Idea".  I love the thought of having to play with different clubs/balls/ and what not.  Me and some of my friends already play weird MP games where we can only hit punch shots (even on green), or never ever move the aim cursor, etc.  I think the new game would be AMAZING.

    Cheers.  Sean.

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:24 PM


    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missed the point of the comp completely  ?

    Missed Icon's post Andy? ;) Its not just a single comp but a game set up feature akin shot clock to be used for both tournaments and multiplayer games.

    No S.HIT Sherlock !!

    Think u will understand THAT...I understood the whole premise ??


    ^^ posted on pg8

    Keep up ffs Razz ?

    What got me thinking ov u as a knobhead was....u asking about COST !!!!

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:33 PM


    Imho this is an easy fix that should have been implemented years ago.  Lower accounts should NEVER be allowed to gift balls/clubs/equipment to anyone.

    What's to fix, nobody's gifting anything or even talking about it. This has nothing to do with the idea put forth by Icon. 

    Leave it Jim.......( or carry on tearing him apart )

    the guy was L90 in about 6 weeks...lmfao

    No -one knew about the glitch...

    unless been here 3 yrs b4 ?

    If it ain't his 3rd account..

    I'm a monkeys uncle ? ;)))



    2,580 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:38 PM

    I honestly havent got the time to read all the posts in this thread, so im just going to throw it in anyways. Sorry if it has already been mentioned:

    Is there a cost of credits to a player who doesnt have said clubs in their inventory? As i can see players been cut out before a game even starts if they dont own certain clubs.

    Is this a way of using free rentals, just to get the customers to use certian clubs, in the hope they will then buy those clubs? 




  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:42 PM


    If it ain't his 3rd account..

    I'm a monkeys uncle ? ;)))


    Monkeys Unlcle indeed.  Been down this road 1,000,000 times before.


  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:43 PM

    I honestly havent got the time to read all the posts in this thread,

    Is there a cost of credits to a player who doesnt have said clubs in their inventory?

    Just read the 1st TWO pages mate......

    Otherwise..u shud STFU too ??

    ( srry man )  ;)))

    Enough idiotic posts here already ?



  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:46 PM

    Think maybe....................

    If not got onto the OPs question..

    Then best to say Nought ?

    Just a thought...

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:47 PM



    If it ain't his 3rd account..

    I'm a monkeys uncle ? ;)))


    Monkeys Unlcle indeed.  Been down this road 1,000,000 times before.


    999,999 + some were correct then...

    EDIT...see Scotthope for new vid postings..take note of the letters!!   ;D


  • opyeuclid
    6,709 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 4:10 PM

    I vote Banana .


  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 4:14 PM


    Think maybe....................

    If not got onto the OPs question..

    Then best to say Nought ?

    Just a thought...

    +1.  Better than being on the wrong side of the monkey.