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*** We would like your feedback - New Game Idea ***

Tue, Jun 30 2020 5:07 AM (201 replies)
  • Romax
    1,876 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 9:29 PM

    It seems like a 50/50 mix here for and against. I am certainly not against something new and interesting, but the thought of a major clusterfk makes me wary of all this.

    I also don't see the need for certain individuals to belittle other posters for their questions and concerns. This thread was opened for feedback and that feedback can only be accomplished if everyone understands the format presented.

    My gut says  WGT should pick a dozen Gung-Ho warriors to test this and leave the rest of us alone until it is proven to work...or not.    


    Image result for Gung Ho

  • Duckster789
    534 Posts
    Tue, Nov 1 2016 10:08 PM

    Same Clubs for all.................. Bad idea

    Best Ball Competition............. Good idea

  • MainzMan
    9,590 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 1:33 AM

    In theory it's a very good idea, it would make for some interesting rounds.

    However, I also think it's miles beyond the capability of the tech guys to do this without totally screwing the game up.  When they've learned to wire a plug then perhaps they can try setting up a VCR (if anyone still has one, I bet Shoe does).  After that then maybe they can be let loose on something complex like installing a light fitting. Since this will probably result in the washing machine starting when you turn the light on and the whole street being plunged into darkness when you turn it off again I have a feeling this will be the end of that particular experiment in primate education.

    Do NOT, under any circumstances let those monkeys anywhere near the code that controls everyone's inventory.

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:12 AM


    4 prime examples of idiocy / off topic / K.nobheadedness

                                                                             ^^^ sure it's a word and...

    If NOT, it should fookin be !!  ;))



    ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ missed the point of the comp completely  ?

    Some ppl actually NEED locking up !!



    not knobheadness at all my FEEDBACK is i would prefer to play 4 balls

  • Woodoworkery
    3,498 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:31 AM

    Not a good move ,for my vote


  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 3:56 AM

    my FEEDBACK is i would prefer to play 4 balls

    They asked for feedback on the fixed club set idea, you gave none whatsoever.

    People constantly moan in here that WGT never include the players in decision making. Now, when given a chance, instead of contributing, some folk just pollute the thread with the usual catalogue of gripes and inane comments.

    All we need is someone to mention VEM and we've got a full house!

    Andy (in his brusque manner) is right, people need to be adults and stay on topic here.

  • VEM9000
    169 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 4:23 AM

    All we need is someone to mention VEM and we've got a full house!

    I'm sorry Paul, but I'm afraid I can't let you do that. There appears to be a malfunction with the pod bay doors. I'll have Dave look into it.

    Vem :)

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 6:47 AM


    We are curious to hear from you guys/gals, not only what you think of the idea from the fun point of view but also anything negative that you can foresee.

    Thank you

    100% best idea I've seen to date.  I'm all for it.  Imagination and good putting will definitely prevail.  Imho the skill gap will be much greater > not closer/equal.   This is to say, A level 110 player using 32 Level clubs will absolutely thrash a level 32 player who is used to those clubs.    So for this reason it's probably best to make MP and Ready Go's tier based (not open).

    In regards to the conditions of such tournaments.  BALLS, CLUBS, and PUTTERS should all be the same for every player.


  • craigswan
    31,541 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 7:05 AM


    10,716 Posts
    Wed, Nov 2 2016 8:00 AM


    Please fix the existing issues and problems before you create more. I can really see this being a nightmare.


    Miserable git.Whats your nickname  Mr Happy??