10 slots remain at The Country Club of Atlanta.
We've evolved this club a lot in a very short time, thanks to our great membership; our members play at all different levels.
Here are the types of things we offer, which I think makes our club the best in the game:
- fantastic and communicative membership with a great forum for game discussions and small talk about our other lives
- free tourneys ALL the time
- cheap pay tourneys that are specifically TIERED to make the playing
field and competition more level - 9 holes, closest to the hole, 18
holes, you name it!
- regular pay tourneys called "Majors" that invite everyone in the
club - always at a full 18 hole course and over the period of 7 days
- **NEW** - FREE tourneys that award prizes through WGT gifting
And coming up in the near future:
- full club handicapping system!
- cross-club competition!
The only catch is the number of slots we have available, going fast!!!!