SlowPokeJIm:tell me what you do if you have 4 years playing everyday and get to legend then spend 6 months in the hospital and rehab
Apart from "stuck at L95", I hope that there is something positive to tell about you, given that you probably have come closer to a healthy life in the last weeks(?) Congrats to that!!
Other than that, you have better equipment than I in every single slot of your bag, and I happen to have achieved a 65.5 average. Just follow suit!
The rest is about grinding and spending some bling-bling for our hosts - they have costs, and they need a revenue! (You might throttle down on balls to save some though)
Last but not least, what the heck is a club pastor?? - OIC, a CC pass! Tell you what: simply don't buy any - your CC will thrive from the free passes alone!