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Fri, Nov 11 2016 1:47 AM (2 replies)
  • callaghan159
    6,424 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2016 3:09 PM

    I have been discussing with some of the players on WGT that I play with about the clashes and one idea has come up and here it is. What if the 4 hr. time for each clash was cut down to 2 hr. and you added some more courses. I know for me and some others are saying  that playing the same course for 4 hrs. gets quite boring and it might help in getting more people in the clubs playing on a regular bases. Even if you can't add more courses you could rotate what you use more often. Just a thought. Would like to hear your thoughts and WGT thoughts.--KEEP ER IN THE GARDEN SPOT. 


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Nov 10 2016 10:52 PM

    Alternatively, we could hope WGT can them and make it skill based and fair for all clubs.....and real incentives to entice more clubs to play.

  • Lute345
    2,483 Posts
    Fri, Nov 11 2016 1:47 AM

    If only TopGolf/WGT would listen to it's players alanti. I'm in full agreement with your idea. Our club has voted to boycott all Clashes until something is done to make them fair for all to play. Too bad more clubs don't follow our lead and do the same.