Have to agree with ya here. I lost 2 cals to the meter myself recently, one after the other, in 2 diff spots on same shot, insane. Yesterday I played in a ready go in the morning, meter was semi smooth, did ok. Then the rest of the day, was filled with super skippy meter, and not just the meter, the graphics skipped all over too. The loading times were immense, and I only got to finish two rounds all day. People being booted, load errors, disconnects, it seems only playable in single player, and then only for free, soon as you play for money, bam, everything intensifies and things get worse. Even when I was dinging the shots, the ball was going nowhere near where it was supposed to, 10 mph wind right to left, aim right, ding and it goes way right. I finally just quit and said enough for the day. They are having huge server issues and something tells me they are downplaying it and not going to fix it, because they are in negotiations with a big publisher and are about to be gobbled up. I have seen some of the top players complaining in the last week, so it isn't just us newbies, or our pc's, that is just a line bs.