Hell , I was just gonna reply to Krizan 'bout "Too many backward thinkin' folk over here"an' they done pulled the reply buttton. Fortunately, there were enough of us " backward thinkin' folk", to see that the liberal / forward thinkin' folk were leadin' us off the cliff, an' their agenda was only benefiting a few. I don't know how this may affect your side of the pond, but, I am optimistic for the the first time in over thirty years. Tea ? Anyone ?
Doc, the fact that I would obviously never agree with your political stance, does not prevent me to like you as a person (as much as I know you from here) ;-) It just means that we'd probably talk about anything else over a beer.
Despite the fact, that your political situation probably won't affect me whatsoever, I have an opinion on it. Although I decided to work in a completely different field, I have a Masters in Political science. And everything from this field is still of interest to me.
I would describe myself as (very) liberal democrat, with some deviations (for instance, I would fully support the death penalty for child molesters, medieval style). I always thought that things like "pro choice", equal LGBT, gender and racial rights was something, that should've never even been discussed and should be self evident and normal to any rational person.
I'm from Slovenia and had experienced both of the most common systems. We lived in socialism for my 1st 16 years and in a fledgling capitalism for my other 25. Funny thing is, the vast majority of people was better off before, at least as far as the standard of living. Next to zero poverty (not many very rich either), the very few unemployed were taken care of well enough, completely free healthcare and education for everyone and next to none violent crimes. The free education (from elementary school through PHD) is the only thing that hasn't changed, although the crime rate is still extremelly low, compared to others.
Perhaps that's why I'm so left leaning. Could also be cause of my atheism. For whatever reason, this is who I am and what I think.
I still like you, I hope you don't hate me. I'm just passionate when it comes to politics. And I still think, that someone who said all the idiotic and offensive things he said and had directly stolen from small businesses and working class, should be jailed, not elected. If not for other things, then for his haircut alone ;-)
Cheers, Jure