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game owes me ...

rated by 0 users
Sun, Nov 4 2012 11:26 AM (4 replies)
  • TomN0521
    7 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2011 3:17 PM

    played over 6 hours with no credit due to crashes and players diconected ...


  • borntobesting
    9,751 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2011 4:43 PM

    You get no credits for playing unless you playing in a tourney and finish in the top 70. Or you are playing a MPC and in that case if a player disconnects you win unless he returns in 5 minutes. 

    And if you are getting a lot of crashes you have a problem with either your PC set-up or a poor internet connection or both. I play every day and I have never had a crash and when and if a player disconnects I just reload and finish as a solo round. I have never had a round that I could not finish and I have bee here over a year and a half. 

  • erw24
    9 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2011 6:30 PM

    if you have never been disconnected by the game or frozen up and have to restart you are among the minority big time.. i get booted or the game freezes up on me at least once a day.. i've played for about 4 hours today and i still havent finished a game.  had a real close game going and on the uth hole it froze up then it wouldnt reload... most aggravating thing.. if this doesnt happen to you i'm extremely jealous.. i love this game but this connection and load time garbage makes you want to quit coming back...

  • 1inthebush
    4 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2011 6:35 PM


    You get no credits for playing unless you playing in a tourney and finish in the top 70. Or you are playing a MPC and in that case if a player disconnects you win unless he returns in 5 minutes. 

    And if you are getting a lot of crashes you have a problem with either your PC set-up or a poor internet connection or both. I play every day and I have never had a crash and when and if a


    You get no credits for playing unless you playing in a tourney and finish in the top 70. Or you are playing a MPC and in that case if a player disconnects you win unless he returns in 5 minutes. 

    And if you are getting a lot of crashes you have a problem with either your PC set-up or a poor internet connection or both. I play every day and I have never had a crash and when and if a player disconnects I just reload and finish as a solo round. I have never had a round that I could not finish and I have bee here over a year and a half. 

    I just reload and finish as a solo round. I have never had a round that I could not finish and I have bee here over a year and a half. 



  • killahk
    2 Posts
    Sun, Nov 4 2012 11:26 AM

    then u haven't gotten booted off 3 times if u did then u cant complete they wgt says u quit and u loose % . it's fkn bs wgt needs to fix these fkn bugs