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World Ketel tourney or US Ketel tourney??

rated by 0 users
Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:24 PM (8 replies)
  • PaulCadieux
    196 Posts
    Sat, Apr 9 2011 5:23 PM

    Opened to residents of all countries BUT only US residents can win the trip  to Sawgrass to participate in the WORLD Ketel one cup National Tournament. hummm???

    Is it WORLD or just US?? If its just for US Residents , why is it called WORLD??, and why is it opened to all countries if you don't want them to win the big prize??

    what are the other prizes?? only for US residents to??

  • MioKontic
    4,655 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 9:32 AM

    He has a point.  You're happy to advertise it to everyone, but only US residents can win.  Pretty poor show.  I've never seen a prize that's for everyone else except US, oh noooooooooooooo!  Maybe other winners would be happy to pay the airfair if the prize was only golf and accommodation, but you don't even give us that option.

    I wonder who will be able to win the Virtual US Open???

  • superchuck
    210 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 10:04 AM

    Actually the whole website has become a joke. It's been in beta forever, the same old stale courses since this time last year, multi-account cheating is rampant, and any updates are maintainence  related to fix bugs.

    The only "improvements' are quirky additions that cost credits. 

    With the advertising dollars and credit purchases being made, we still don't realize any significant improvement to playalikability..

    It has in effect become just an enjoyable time waste, why try to improve your game? You can't fairly compete( not that I do), we've all hit the same shots on the same old courses, and if you play multiplayer rounds for the majority of the time..none of the stats change. Friendly games are the only upside. I do enjoy that, but even that has become mundane, virtually everyone playing would like something different to break the monotony of the whole thing.

    Just sayin'.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 12:02 PM


    As I have stated before, often prizes we cannot control the rules in regard to prizes. Sorry about that.


  • PaulCadieux
    196 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 1:47 PM



    As I have stated before, often prizes we cannot control the rules in regard to prizes. Sorry about that.


    Question for WGT Icon,

    Although you cannot control the prizes, you must know what are the other prizes for the Ketel tourney and whether they are only for US residents?? 


  • BustaSpliff
    417 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 1:47 PM

    Your  spot  on Chuck. the game  hasnt improved,still in Beta version. loads of errors ,that  people ask wgt everyday if they going too fix,but you  never get a answer of WGT,  makes me wonder if wgt icon  isnt really   connected too  this website as half the time when asked a question he doesnt  have a clue. and yes this FREE game   lol. so called advertised  is now just a  money makeing ssssscam for wgt , but  more fool  u lot for buying  equipment . lets all boycott the game   an see what happens then.  lol


      more fool  u  for   equipping wgt with  money.

  • PaulCadieux
    196 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 1:59 PM



    As I have stated before, often prizes we cannot control the rules in regard to prizes. Sorry about that.


    Also, the rules for this Tourney is the top 100  will participate in the final tourney. Well half of the 100 right now are not residents of the US so they are all eliminated even before the start, leaving the other half " US Residents" to the final.

    The point I want to make is, if the world residents other than US residents are not eligible for the prize, why do you invite them to participate?? 

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:03 PM




    As I have stated before, often prizes we cannot control the rules in regard to prizes. Sorry about that.


    Question for WGT Icon,

    Although you cannot control the prizes, you must know what are the other prizes for the Ketel tourney and whether they are only for US residents?? 


    Prizes should be listed in the prize screen for the tournament. I do not have any other knowledge except what is there.




    As I have stated before, often prizes we cannot control the rules in regard to prizes. Sorry about that.


    Also, the rules for this Tourney is the top 100  will participate in the final tourney. Well half of the 100 right now are not residents of the US so they are all eliminated even before the start, leaving the other half " US Residents" to the final.

    The point I want to make is, if the world residents other than US residents are not eligible for the prize, why do you invite them to participate?? 

    I hear ya, but many people like to play in tournaments even if they cannot quality. Some just enjoy a challenge, other settings pace and so on.

    I know this is frustrating but it is what it is. There will of course be more tournaments for everyone.


  • genesis70
    1 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:24 PM

    mmmh where are you read that?....thx