Glad it has helped , when you downloaded it there is a different set of software called advance system care what comes with it. Do a scan on your computer it puts all your files in order , & frees up more space , cleans your computer etc etc.
I am also glad some one in this topic took the advice the links I gave to fix any problems they maybe having with the game instead of complaining about it. Would have taken half the time to download it then to right a post about about it.
Most of the issues are on our end , the browsers we use , the computers we have the Ram size how congested our hard drive the amount of software we have on our computer the amount of friends we have on this game can all affect our game play.
Want a perfect meter.
Remove all unused programs of your computer.un install them
Delete anything you do not use what can slow your PC or Laptop down.
Google chrome as your web browser.
Game boaster , gives 25% more grunt to your computer while playing games. Also comes with application remover deleted all hidden applications you don`t use. Also comes with Advance system care , cleans your hole computer frees up Ram also cleans & removes virus for free + a host more fetures.
Clean your wgt friend list out. more friends you have online the more issues you have.