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A lot of Complaining.....

Sun, Apr 21 2013 11:45 AM (45 replies)
  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:20 PM


    Glad it has helped , when you downloaded it there is a different set of software called advance system care what comes with it. Do a scan on your computer it puts all your files in order , & frees up more space , cleans your computer etc etc.

    I am also glad some one in this topic took the advice the links I gave to fix any problems they maybe having with the game instead of complaining about it. Would have taken half the time to download it then to right a post about about it.

    Most of the issues are on our end , the browsers we use , the computers we have the Ram size how congested our hard drive the amount of software we have on our computer the amount of friends we have on this game can all affect our game play.


    Want a perfect meter.

    Remove all unused programs of your computer.un install them

    Delete anything you do not use what can slow your PC or Laptop down.

    Google chrome as your web browser.

    Game boaster , gives 25% more grunt to your computer while playing games. Also comes with application remover deleted all hidden applications you don`t use. Also comes with Advance system care , cleans your hole computer frees up Ram also cleans & removes virus for free + a host more fetures.

    Clean your wgt friend list out. more friends you have online the more issues you have.


    You can do all the above, which I have, and still the friends list causes the meter stutter/stops on a consistent basis. Now seeing as this has been stated as a fact by almost every top member I have seen posting about it, surely it would be on top of WGT's list of things to fix no? But it is not, no option to turn off friends list, the only remedy is to keep your list as small as possible. Seeing as this is an online golf game, with no chat lobby, how exactly are we supposed to be social if we have to keep our friends list empty to assure a smooth meter? This is beyond silly, it's downright retarded. 





  • williamturner
    3 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:28 PM

    i am haveing the same problems that you are haveing. my swing meter jumps a lot when i play with someone. if i play a practice round the meter runs smoothly.   

  • SGTBilko
    1,686 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 4:43 PM


    This game sucks I can play waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better in real life than on this game haha.

    Like dad always said, if you have to announce it, your full of it.

    10,728 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 5:00 PM

    If your saying

    Quote,,,Most of the issues are on our end , the browsers we use , the computers we have the Ram size how congested our hard drive the amount of software we have on our computer the amount of friends we have on this game can all affect our game play.

    Then how do you explain many players having similar meter problems over the same time period of 3 to 4 days?And how do you explain, that when you enter a ready go its Ok then you enter a different one and its Unbearable.If you have a great meter then your very lucky,,As far as game booster goes or Advance system care i wouldn't let them anywhere near my computer.

  • grady3rd
    45 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 5:58 PM



    Yes, we are listening to every complaint/suggestion/etc. I check forums several times a day for new topics + replying/getting updates on others. I may not follow a 50+ post topics (since obviously issue is known) but I read everything new.

    Here is the thing, and you may not like hearing it. In the last 2+ years that I been here, except for few times when servers were down or not performing, I rarely if ever get disconnects.

    I have also played many MP games and only times my partner/op disconnect is generally when they get system freeze or an occasional crash.

    What you are describing, a systematic disconnects throughout the day are a symptom of your end and not server end.

    We are hosting many many servers throughout, so performance should be consistent almost always. After all, when we few 1-3 complains per day versus thousands of people not having issues, we have to treat it as that.

    When you say 'alot of things to fix'. Are you referring to known issues like scorecard bug, fringe improvement, or something else?


    If only you spoke the truth....

    I'm part of a WGT Country Club that runs its own forum (independent of WGT) and every time there is a widespread outage we pile into the chat forum to bemoan the issue of getting connected.  We also frequently share information about the general state of our connections (like slow loading, meter issues, etc) and while there are definitely times when the issues are limited to a single user, WGT admin is hiding it's head in the sand if they don't realize that WGT has become (at times) a very unstable platform.  It has nothing to do with flash cache, virus checkers, or internet connections.  There are simply times when WGT does not allow connections, and WGT staff are fooling themselves if they think the lack of reporting is cause for celebration.  In fact, the opposite it true...if more people believed their comments were received and taken seriously, they would flood the mailboxes.  But since the response-du-jour appears to be "it's your fault, not ours", we're abandoning the idea that anyone listens, much less cares.


  • HDBanger
    348 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 6:02 PM


    If your saying

    Quote,,,Most of the issues are on our end , the browsers we use , the computers we have the Ram size how congested our hard drive the amount of software we have on our computer the amount of friends we have on this game can all affect our game play.

    Then how do you explain many players having similar meter problems over the same time period of 3 to 4 days?And how do you explain, that when you enter a ready go its Ok then you enter a different one and its Unbearable.If you have a great meter then your very lucky,,As far as game booster goes or Advance system care i wouldn't let them anywhere near my computer.

    Well said Priestess, I wouldn't use such silly programs either. When I boot up my pc, which runs Win7 64 bit, I have 29 processes running in task manager, not one startup program other than essential windows things. I have total connectivity, everything runs smooth as a babies butt. It is a dual core, 4 gigs ddr2 ram, Nvidia gtx 460 video card. Also running a 40 gig Mushkin SSD drive for my OS drive only. It has 19 gigs free, I'm running Iron dedicated to WGT ONLY. Now tell me it's my end.. pft

  • Homer44
    21 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 7:30 PM

    I don't believe it. The old 'its your problem, not ours' excuse. That is very typical. I think you got a competence problem. Not to mention that you are scamming everyone here!

  • mefitz
    372 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 8:26 PM

       Rather than reiterate everything the OP, Priestess, Grady, and HDB have said, I`ll just agree 110%.

       The loading issue became severe over a Month ago and is still an issue(unresolved). The meter and "unexpected outcomes" seem to follow suit with it too. I don`t believe in that being a coincidence either.

       I`m down to a "random 3" practice round a day for the xp...and wondering why I bother :(


  • suncity28
    1,266 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 10:18 PM

    Then how do you explain many players having similar meter problems over the same time period of 3 to 4 days?And how do you explain, that when you enter a ready go its Ok then you enter a different one and its Unbearable.If you have a great meter then your very lucky,,As far as game booster goes or Advance system care i wouldn't let them anywhere near my computer.

    Some times it is WGT & I find like most other players weekends extra traffic anything can happen on here & same with meter`s

    Before I started using everything posted above , my meter oh how do I explain it , just never new what you were going to get from day to day or game to game & at times could not play.

    The info posted above has helped me have a more reliable meter. There are times over the weekend it can play up it`s not 100% perfect. 

    One thing what can also help for CC owners if you get a lot of members requesting to join your CC turn the request to join option of over the weekend. Getting 4-5-6 requests in the space of 5 mins can all so turn a clean meter into a jumpy meter.