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36 hour unplayability

rated by 0 users
Mon, Apr 11 2011 7:54 AM (5 replies)
  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Sun, Apr 10 2011 10:29 PM

    **Long post, sorry**

    Game has been playing great for a few weeks, then 36 hours ago I started seeing really long load times, so I quit for the day.  24 hours ago, I went in to do a short 3 hole practice (to get the daily points) and that took over 45 minutes with the slow loads and numerous loading errors and retrys.  Decided I had to clean things up so I cleared Chrome cache and Flash cache and even rebooted.

    After reboot, I noticed 2 windows updates available, a Vista something and NVidia driver update.  Installed both, rebooted. Loaded WGT website.  Flash widget (upper left) took about 3 minutes to load.  Clicked play now and gameclient appeared.  35% for a couple of minutes, then 67% for a minute or two, then 86%.  After a few minutes of waiting on that with no luck, I closed the gameclient.  Retried.  This time, a quick number appeared in the green circle, then went away and I'm staring at just the green circle spinning.  Waited about 5 minutes and nothing happened, so I X'd out.  Cleared caches again.  Decided to run CCleaner and Uniblue's Registry booster.  Reboot.

    No change.  Spinning circle up to 86% with clean cache.  Without numbers if I don't clean the cache first.  Ran Gamebooster and Advanced system care.  No change.

    After a few hours of this, I thought maybe the windows update screwed me.  So I went to a restore point from the day before and restored.  Same scenario.

    Thought maybe Chrome had gone screwy on me.  Tried both Iron and IE, with identical results.

    Various combinations of Chrome, Iron, IE, cleaning caches, running CCleaner, registry booster, Gamebooster and advanced system care.

    Worked on this from about 1pm my time until around 3am.  Even left it on 86% and put in a the end of the movie, it was still spinning.  

    Finally at 3am, thought "one last try".  Amazingly, it loaded the menu, but got a loading error saying the sound wouldn't load.  Retry load had no effect so closed and retried.  After 4 or 5 times, it finally loaded.  3 hole practice took another 45 minutes with all the loading errors......but HEY...IT WORKED.  Left myself logged in and called it a night.  I was afraid to log out thinking I might not ever get back in .

    Tried a round this morning.  Played 2 holes (barely), meter going crazy, quit.  Deleted another 25-30 friends.  Tried again and again.  Sometimes sound load errors, sometimes .jpg loading errors, sometimes terrain loading error, but I was able to get in a 3 hole practice to save the consecutive day bonus.

    Checked my internet speeds.  I'm running the same up, down and ping speeds I've always been running.

    I don't know what else to try.  Were your servers just jam-packed with people over the weekend?  Was there something different that happened 36 hours ago?  

    It's driving me flippin nuts over here.  I'm just a few rounds shy of Legend status (hopefully) and can't bear to shoot 9 holes if it's gonna take me 2-4 hours a side.

    Any insight you might have would be greatly appreciated.

  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2011 4:25 AM


    sounds like your flash either got corrupted somewhere or just crashed. It can easily happen as many many websites use flash in a ways that you don't realise (ad's, pictures, active menu's, button, etc)

    I am weary of suggesting what to do, but if this was me, completely uninstall and reinstall flash..


  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2011 6:18 AM

    Thanks WGTicon....two heads are always better than one.  Worth a shot as I've tried everything I could think of.  Will let you know what happens.

    *BTW.....was never suggesting the problem was on WGT side.  I see many of my friends playing and they're not having problems.  Goes to reason, it's here, not there.  Just seemed strange that all was fine for a few weeks then nothing.  The only hardware/software change in that time was the one windows update (after it got sluggish - and I have it on manual, not automatic updates), but I restored back to "prior" to the update so should have wiped out that possibility.

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2011 6:36 AM

    Four suggestions I've had no experience with:

    1. A different type of flash. Search this.
    2. A different Java?
    3. Make a list of your friends in a blog post then delete them all.
    4. Delete all old scorecards saved on Windows.

  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2011 7:28 AM


    I am weary of suggesting what to do, but if this was me, completely uninstall and reinstall flash..

    Ok....went into Control Panel and deleted both Adobe Flash and Adobe Active X.  Restarted Chrome and it's still there.  Yep.....kinda knew that, it's built in.  SO.....exported my bookmarks and did a complete uninstall and reinstall of Google Chrome too.  Went back in, took forever to even load the WGT page (says at the bottom, waiting for  After about 2.5 minutes, it finally loaded the Flash widget up top.  Clicked Play Now about 5 minutes ago and still sitting on 77% in the gameclient window just a'spinning away.

    SgtDoodles, looked at your response.  The flash version I had was the latest and was working just fine earlier.  Should be no need to go back to an earlier version; an uninstall/reinstall should have corrected any corruption there.  Java should have no effect on Flash.  Friends list should only affect meter when their status is updated, not loading times....and the fourth I can't remember right now.  I do appreciate you putting your head together with me.....would really love to do more CC things with ya bud.

    WGTicon.....can you please ask the techies if anything has changed in the last 48-72 hours?  As far as I can perceive, WGT runs on a browser and Flash.  Both if which I've completely uninstalled and reinstalled since this started (along with all the other stuff I've stated), with no visible improvements.

    Taken me about 10 minutes more to type this and the gameclient is still sitting on 77% and a spinnin.....


  • Craktskull
    117 Posts
    Mon, Apr 11 2011 7:54 AM

    Never mind WGTicon....the problem is definitely over here.  Don't quite understand it because shows a certain speed, but I'm definitely not getting the speeds it's showing.  I'll contact my ISP tomorrow and have them take a look.
