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Can we make the greens firmer?

rated by 0 users
Wed, Dec 14 2016 6:56 PM (6 replies)
  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 7:47 AM

    One thing I've noticed is that the greens are always the same firmness, no matter how fast they are. Slow greens are just as firm as ultra fast.


    Could WGT implement firmness as well? Even the Links 386 pro game in the early 1990s had this feature. Would make things more realistic as we would then perhaps have to bounce balls into some of the holes, mimicking the real game even more


    Variable firmness on fairways would also be great. Could replicate playing just after heavy rainfall or during a drought

  • Fencer100
    2,065 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 8:50 AM

    Yes that would be a very nice feature, but I shudder to think of the glitches that would find their way into the game with that.

    Even some of the simple things bring in massive problems. 

    Surely it gets to a stage of " if it ain't broke why fix it "

  • Vaibhav5viv
    886 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 8:58 AM

    Variable firmness on fairways would also be great.

    True, needs to be in relation to green speeds.. If greens are baked out so should fairways really to some extent.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 12:03 PM

    Derek I understand what you are saying, and yes it makes sense and presumably would only need a few changes to replicate this.

    However this would be totally negated by the balls - you use a Nile lvl 90 ball - if you want to replicate green firmness, change to a ball with less spin.

    To be honest, the les the programmer have to change the better, and the game is what it is, a computer game than in some ways replicates the real game....but only in some ways.

  • derekortt
    683 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 12:19 PM


    Derek I understand what you are saying, and yes it makes sense and presumably would only need a few changes to replicate this.

    However this would be totally negated by the balls - you use a Nile lvl 90 ball - if you want to replicate green firmness, change to a ball with less spin.

    To be honest, the les the programmer have to change the better, and the game is what it is, a computer game than in some ways replicates the real game....but only in some ways.


    I'd be putting myself at a massive disadvantage in the RGs using a poorer performing ball. Players like fmags whip me enough as it is, lol.


    I'd love though to have to account for that big first bounce on half wedges, and then have the ball spin

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 1:45 PM

    I'd be putting myself at a massive disadvantage in the RGs using a poorer performing ball. Players like fmags whip me enough as it is, lol.

    I concur....and for that reason players will also jump up and down when their ball does not react like they expect as the greens are firmer.

    Reminds me of when I lived in the UK....I would play golf in almost any weather, including ice. Punching a shot 50 yards short for that massive bounce....yes it was hit and hope and then on the greens it was hit the ball as hard as you could.....not quality golf....but was still fun in some warped manner (or more to the point, I was just an addict getting my fix lol).

  • hpurey
    11,521 Posts
    Wed, Dec 14 2016 6:56 PM

    Could replicate playing just after heavy rainfall or during a drought


    Yeah,  I can see it now,   plugged lies on green without the ability to move the ball.


    Image result for yellow golf ball soft green

    Ooops,  wrong picture...







    Image result for plugged golf ball on soft green


    And this one looks like it would explain the "why didn't this one drop" threads.  ;-)

    Image result for plugged golf ball on soft green