I just checked the list of possible awards and the amount of them are amazing. You can get an award for almost everything you hit on wgt and thats nice, aint it?.......nahhhhh
But i have a few suggestions for some other ones:
1) the lip out award: putting, scratching the hole on the edge and its only a lip out of course when the ball turns. I suggest this one because I am frigging good at it.
I hit an average of 2 lip outs per 9 holes, sometimes even more and i am lately specializing in the 360 one, where the ball makes a nice round and rolls back in the direction it came from. It takes some practising, but its nicely annoying to see the ball doing it
2) The 2-inches award: its amazing how often the ball stops right at the edge, sometimes even takes a glance at the bottom of the cup and then decides not to fall. The actual distance is probably zilch, but in that case the scoreboard gives you 2 inches to play
3) The coming up short award, which is something that you have in the early stages of your game, when you are not that skilled and trying to find out how hard to hit a putt. But lately its a really up to date subject, because I suspect wgt of tempering with the parameters of the greens. Of course I cant prove that, but I come up short many times in situations where I used to get it just right. And I am not talking about fiddeling with my girlfriend
Feel free to add some more possible awards, the wackier the better