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** CC Event closing issue **

rated by 0 users
Mon, Dec 19 2016 7:37 PM (5 replies)
  • WGTicon
    12,511 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 4:37 PM


    We experienced an error during the closing of our last CC Event where we gave out too many Course Builders to the top 500 clubs.  We will be fixing this mistake on Tuesday and will adjust the clubs' Course Builder total based on what each club should have won in the Event.  Our apologies for the problem.


  • TheKnack
    676 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 4:45 PM



    We experienced an error during the closing of our last CC Event where we gave out too many Course Builders to the top 500 clubs.  We will be fixing this mistake on Tuesday and will adjust the clubs' Course Builder total based on what each club should have won in the Event.  Our apologies for the problem.


    You don't HAVE to, we don't mind. It might give some CC's a taste for them, in which case it would encourage them to take part more in the Clashes... therefore making TopGolf even more money in the future. Speculate to accumulate and all that jazz. Just a thought :-)


  • pmm711
    5,808 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 6:34 PM

    Wow...what a poor decision.  I think you guys are what Hillary was referring to when she used the term "basket of deployables".  What a f-ing disgrace.

  • EasyEdward
    13,507 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 6:45 PM



    We experienced an error during the closing of our last CC Event where we gave out too many Course Builders to the top 500 clubs.  We will be fixing this mistake on Tuesday and will adjust the clubs' Course Builder total based on what each club should have won in the Event.  Our apologies for the problem.


    This was clearly listed as an individual prize for the Clash Event - not as a CC prize (like the putter or the balls or the tees / flags).

    It is listed right alongside the CC Pases...

    This is clearly not an error in the distribution of the prizes but rather a mess up on WGT's part in both programming and displaying / promising the outcome.  If that was not what you intended - well - I think that WGT needs to suck it up and change the rules for the future NOT change the results as published by WGT.

    What you are doing is tantamount to saying: The winner of this year's trip to the US Open is not going to get their prize because we meant to make the tournament on Super Fast Greens and high winds....




  • twinponds169
    3,052 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 6:47 PM

    Shocking how fast a glitch can be fixed when it favors the players, huh?

    Should go publish as many as possible before the shutdown, but they will probably just put us in the negative, lol.

    BTW, building and playing a custom course is really not all I originally envisioned it to be anyways. Still the same old courses to choose holes from, not that great a variation as I envisioned it as. Hope it's not just an excuse to delay Erin Hills for months on end.

    The course builders that can be obtained with minimal clash participation are plenty enough, so stick em where the sun don't shine. :-)

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Dec 19 2016 7:37 PM

    Shocking how fast a glitch can be fixed when it favors the players, huh?

    So true...and in the true spirit of Christmas they will be taken away.

    Most companies wear their mistakes....fix them and move on. Here the fixes are retrospective if it affects cash flow.....

    I agree with loss if they canned the idea as far as I am concerned. Just a rehash of what we have got....nothing of great interest to me.

    I would have far preferred a fix on existing bugs (ones that do not affect revenue) or add new pin locations that would make the game more interesting.