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The Grinch Who Stole Our Course Builders WGT!

Mon, Jan 9 2017 10:25 PM (13 replies)
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  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:22 PM

    Well, no doubt by now most of you know that the dreaded WGT Grinch paid us an unwelcome visit on 22 Dec and stole back all the Course Builders, that so many clubs had received as a result of the last CC vs. CC Clash. 

    My club alone had a total of 64 stolen right out from our very eyes and now all they have to say is that it was a mistake!!! Well on that aspect they are right for once... It was a mistake and now I'm going to ask everyone who reads this post to please stand-up and tell those greedy individuals that stealing is simply not going to be tolerated.

    Their lame excuse was that they made an error and due to a "server error" (WOW Imagine That???) made an error as awarded to many to the top finishing club and now have decided in their infinite wisdom to correct their mistake, by taking back from the vary members from which their income depends on! WOW, this takes my breath away, I mean who do they think thy are kidding??? No me, that's for sure. In the past I've always tended to be on wgt's side, but that has now ended and they have completely and perhaps irretrievably damaged any trust, I had in their commitment to their customers.

    Bottom line is, they made the mistake, we all played in good faith and deserved those Course Builders and now to have wgt simply waltz in and in such a caviler  way say oh, so sorry we made a mistake and then just steal and I do mean steal them back!!!

    Lets face it wgt, those course builders cost you nothing 0.00 $, so what is it with you and just what are you thinking??? I mean how would you like it if in came into your house and carried off your wide screen tv and simply say of so sorry, it's ok though!!!

    Now I'm going to call for each and every member of wgt and each and every club out there to message WGT Customer Service and demand that those stolen course builders be returned and that no body play in any CC vs. CC Clash until they do!!!

    Seems like this is probably the only way to get through to those who make those wonderful decisions at the top and that is by snipping their purse strings. They do seem to be sensitive when $$$ comes into play, so lets get'em where it hurts the most and simply say no to feeding their cash cow until the do the right thing and give back what they have stolen and yest again I do mean stolen from us! To add insult to injury, they did this right before Christmas a time of charity and celebration, so all I have now to add is shame shame shame on your wgt, your have now show me and so many others your true colors!!!

    Phil aka., Coyote   Owner: Moving Forward Country Club

  • Beryman
    9,099 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:45 PM

    Well, no doubt by now most of you know that the dreaded WGT Grinch paid us an unwelcome visit on 22 Dec and stole back all the Course Builders, that so many clubs had received as a result of the last CC vs. CC Clash. 

    420 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:56 PM

    WGT giveth. WGT taketh away.

  • pmm711
    5,767 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 3:59 PM

    Look at past posts on this same subject and you'll see that we all agree with you...AND...I didn't play in the clash so I didn't get any of the Course Builders anyway...BUT...their decision to take back what they handed out is f-ing despicable.  There is no other word for it.  This game is owned by bottom feeders...lowest of low.  And the fact that they did this during Christmastime shows that they have ZERO beliefs and lack any knowledge of the words kindness and generosity.  Even the Grinch showed some remorse...not WGT.  They're lowlifes...all of them.

  • gimmeballs
    621 Posts
    Fri, Dec 23 2016 7:36 PM

    I'd say you were not fast enough to make use of your forbidden bounty!  Sorry, we all had our chance to use the gift , however poorly conceived.  Bad part was it was poorly constructed and not ready for prime time. Oh Well, maybe next time?

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 9:10 AM

    Actually this is TG not WGT anymore, ideas and such are driven by TG, I mean the founding moron now works for TG so I'm sure he sort of has free reign to keep going with the usual model of 'screw the players for all you can', which works pretty well, but this is not WGT anymore. This game is under control of a golf entertainment company. 

    No one will ever boycott or doing anything that even remotely appears to be rubbing management the wrong way when they throw their crass and ignorant ideas out there - no one who wants to keep playing. Fear of having their game f**ked with is what keeps everyone inline. 

    Is what it is, it's an arcade version of golf, so of course it's going to have arcade like bells n s whistles and gimmicks. Get over it.



  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 11:19 AM

    Get over it? You must be kidding, or perhaps you don't mind just setting backing taking it! Fact is that in the past I've always sided with wgt and yes I know it's now TG, but on this particular issue they are wrong and they know it. So now it's just a matter of challenging them to do the right thing and in doing so, they can do a lot to restore a sagging image.

    As for a boycott, they can and do work in the real work and so they can work here and I urge everyone to do exactly that and simply not play in any CC vs. CC Clash until the return those earned and deserved course builders.


  • CerinoDevoti
    3,232 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 1:35 PM


    Did WGT leave your club with zero or did they adjust the Builders to the amount they thought should have been correct? I never play or care about the clashes but figured I'd ask anyway. 


  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 2:05 PM

    We had 69 and it was downgraded to only 4. As best I understand it, anyone who played was supposed to receive the course builders and as my club had right about 33 of our members (about 40%) we ended up with a total of 69. 

    Then wgt said oh no wait we made a mistake and then reduced them back to in our case only 4 and that is why I and my club are so upset about! 

    They claimed it was a server error, but I mean come on, people have to set up the parameters, it's not like the server itself went nuts and started handing out course builders willy-nilley! lol

    I'm still hoping (although that faith in them is fading rapidly), that they will still own up to their mistake, return those course builders and then we can all simply put this matter behind us and move into the new year in peace!

    They say they have fixed the problem, so that only the club itself can earn the course builders as a whole and to that end I'm quite confident that they have, but to me the issue is still open and is quite simply a matter of honor and I implore wgt once again to do the right thing and that is simply give back all those course builders to all effected clubs and that is all I ask!!!


  • SlicedPepper
    796 Posts
    Sat, Dec 24 2016 3:26 PM

    Maybe they took them back to stock the shelves of the pro shop to replace revenue lost from the Nike gear being taken away. Oh wait, it's still there. How many got suckered in by that little stunt?


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