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Change ball

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Sat, Dec 31 2016 8:57 PM (6 replies)
  • Toweliechaos
    31 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 4:08 AM

    It is beyond annoying that when you use the last hit on your ball and you don't want to buy anymore (e.g. promotional ball you don't want to buy) it automatically defaults to the unlimited ball, even if you have other balls in your bag. 

    Surely, at any and every tee box, you should be able to change your ball if you wish. Certainly if you run out of a ball, you should get the choice of what ball to use. Nothing more annoying than having to play a chunk of a round with the starter ball. 

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 10:14 AM

    You're probably going to catch a lot of grief for not using the search function located over on the right ----->.

    This has probably been the most requested thing on these forums for years but it's not going to happen. Those other balls are not "in your bag." Only the type of ball you start with is "in your bag". Consider all those others as being in your closet and not available out there on the course with you. That's just the way this game was programmed.

    The starter ball replacement was put in since every player in WGT has it available to them and WGT was able to put that in as a favor to customers so they wouldn't be forced to forfeit or be dq'd automatically.

    It's like wanting to break up iron sets. The programming wasn't set up to do that and any attempt to change it at this point will most likely result in an absolutely unplayable game due to all the glitches that will result from the programmers digging that deeply into the software.

    The easy solution is available to you and WGT needs to do nothing. Don't start any important game or match with fewer balls than you might need. Use all those odds and ends in tournaments, practice, CTTH games, etc. where there is no penalty for just dropping the game and starting over.

  • Toweliechaos
    31 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 10:42 AM

    I checked the pinned post for 'check here in case the thing you're asking for has already been asked for' and it wasn't listed so forgive me for posting the question.

    Actually, I completely disagree with you. It would require minimal programming as it already has the code to select another ball; it would just need tweaking to go to the inventory rather than the default. Secondly, it would make business sense for WGT to do it as it will mean you are burning up your bought balls quicker.

  • Robert1893
    7,731 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 1:13 PM

    It would require minimal programming as it already has the code to select another ball; it would just need tweaking to go to the inventory rather than the default.

    And what if people have multiple types of balls in their inventory? Should the computer just choose one or should the programming allow the user to choose the ball?

    Regardless, this is one of the most common complaints/requests on here. They've never given any indication in the past that they're going to change it. Nevertheless, this is not the last thread we'll see on this issue. About every month, someone raises the issue again.  

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 1:45 PM

    To me, it's a given fact that the bag is closed during a game, and this will not change in reasonable future.

    Also, the unusable balls provide more profit than those "burnt up quick" - compare your toothpaste tube.

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 3:15 PM

    Heyyyy freakin presto

    Take your pick.

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Dec 31 2016 8:57 PM


    It would require minimal programming as it already has the code to select another ball;

    Do you know that? Or is that just a WAG - wild *** guess.

    For all we know the Starter ball is always 'in the bag'  When we select the Starter ball from inventory it could be that the program just uses the Starter ball that is permanently in the bag.

    If so, there is no code that 'selects' the Starter ball once a game has started and you run out of a not-a-Starter ball.