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New All-Girl Club

Sun, Jun 25 2017 7:50 PM (25 replies)
  • Beryman
    9,098 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 1:01 PM

    you guys do realize that you have derailed Steph`s nice recruitment thread....right???


    best of luck to you with the club recruitment  Steph

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 1:15 PM

    We offer a low-pressure environment, full salon and spa, and a luxurious 19th hole complete with foot massages + champagne + fashion mall.

    I like it, can I.....wait.....checks.....nope not eligible......... sounds like a good SE Asian Golf resort!

    I wish you the best in your recruitment Stephanie - running a good CC is never easy so I hope you get the players you are looking for.

  • StephanieCA
    258 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 1:36 PM

    Thanks for the support, Beryman and Alanti!


  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 2:32 PM

    New year big surprise: The original WGT barber`s shop!

  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 2:40 PM

    Sorry, no offence... I realy tried over hours and hours not to write an answer here, but then it became to hard for me not to do and at least I lost my self-control  :oD

    Good luck with your new champagne golf and foot massage and lady things CC

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 3:34 PM


    New year big surprise: The original WGT barber`s shop!


  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Thu, Jan 5 2017 7:53 PM


    you guys do realize that you have derailed Steph`s nice recruitment thread....right???


    best of luck to you with the club recruitment  Steph

     Sorry if it appears that way......original intent was to comment on "Colon's"  original, unedited, post regarding men posing as women.



    Hi Ladies,

    If you are looking to join a Country Club, you may want to consider Diamonds and Drivers. We offer a low-pressure environment, full salon and spa, and a luxurious 19th hole complete with foot massages + champagne + fashion mall. Stop by for a tour to learn more :)

    Steph - Chief Girl Officer

    Sincere apology to you Stephanie. I wish you well and I'll certainly mention your new club to members who may looking for a change........




    ⇧ Icon's out again.  : ))) ⇧

    Shhh...Icon is Danny's hero.  Bruce Jenner must be his other hero(ine).

    ps: what's for lunch?


    Last but certainly not least..........        Lunch?--- I have no clue, I guess it's whatever your mother decides to send to your basement dwelling.


    Icon my hero? Naaaa......  he's a "respected" friend.....but I really wouldn't expect you to understand anything about that......


    And finally......  in consideration of the constant bombardment of my profile page (and several others, I'm sure); your persistent badgering,  and the facts that  your WGT tenure includes 101.14 post per month opposed to my 7.2 post per month......  I'll leave you with the following.....................       



  • AlexaF
    248 Posts
    Tue, Jun 6 2017 10:15 AM

    How often is your CC active in tournaments?  And the level of competition?  Thanks

  • Zuzannah
    5 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 3:16 AM

      Nice idea.  Do you accept C.D's.   Sorry a joke there.  My conscience would be screaming at me if I asked to join.

     But I sound like I'm dong something wrong by playing as a Female character here for, which I apologise, thought it would be a good / nice idea.  I always do when playing video games so why not here.  You know for fun. But I maybe wrong. (Been here 3 days now) and reading about, what you say "posers" has made me feel unwelcome.

      Going back to guys playing as a girl character.  What's the problem ?  Is it because you would treat them differently ?  To me this isn't a problem whatsoever.   Maybe I'm just too open minded.

      Is this a taboo subject?

      Anyway. Going off topic.  I usually do that :P 

      Good luck with the Country Club.





  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Sun, Jun 25 2017 9:18 AM


      Nice idea.  Do you accept C.D's.   Sorry a joke there.  My conscience would be screaming at me if I asked to join.

     But I sound like I'm dong something wrong by playing as a Female character here for, which I apologise, thought it would be a good / nice idea.  I always do when playing video games so why not here.  You know for fun. But I maybe wrong. (Been here 3 days now) and reading about, what you say "posers" has made me feel unwelcome.

      Going back to guys playing as a girl character.  What's the problem ?  Is it because you would treat them differently ?  To me this isn't a problem whatsoever.   Maybe I'm just too open minded.

      Is this a taboo subject?

      Anyway. Going off topic.  I usually do that :P 

      Good luck with the Country Club.





    But some would think it would be a good way to meet women for "other things", which is wrong.  If you get your rocks off that way, have fun in your mama's basement.  JMHO.