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Dear Pabby

Mon, Dec 13 2021 8:56 AM (251 replies)
  • txzdave
    1,316 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 12:41 PM


          Why is the hard part so hard for uncle Pecos? Did he say something about it being too high? How high is too high and how can we find that out?

         Yodudllolllleedololloudleellooododollee C C CC CCC Crambone Aieeeeee!


  • pmm711
    5,720 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 3:15 PM


    Dear pabby ,

    Try and keep up . This one is serious .

    About seven or eight years ago when computer's were first invented my manager picked me to go on a one day computer course . Everybody else who were there were typists . The teacher didn't take it very well when I took around 2 or 3 minutes each time to find  a letter on the keyboard and when I suggested that it would be a lot easier if the letters were in some sort of  order she flipped .

    That experience has left me scarred .

    So much so that when I play wgt golf I always play by myself . If someone mentions alternate shot or match play I freeze . Even in my own country club I play every tournament alone . In real life I am quite gregarious but not when I have to use a  keyboard .

    People expect me to be amusing but I cannot concentrate on my golf shots and type at the same time . It's very embarrassing and holding my tiers back as beating a player from a higher level is the quickest way to level up and I am a one finger sort of a guy .

    Do you think my best option would be to sign up for skype golf .


    I think the skype thing might not be good for your persona...just saying...

    Good Luck! (with continuing to play with your putter all day by yourself)


  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 3:47 PM

    Dear Pabby

    Im gettin kinda crabby as the wife sick and tired of me talking like this.

    Talking like this, talking like this, just cant help it , i always reminisce.

    Of the times i was normal, no rhyming in sight but i cant do it no more and ive given up the fight.

    Please please help me, give me advice, how can i stop i just wanna be nice.


  • WigerToods2010
    8,448 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 3:59 PM

    Dear Pabby,

    Please excuse the interjection.

    Just wanted to stop by to let it be known that as the proprietor of the White Swallow Public House can you inform Mr. Boobs that on the evening of his unfortunate key mishap; no female staff were on that particular night's rota.


    Concerned of WGT land.

  • pmm711
    5,720 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 4:00 PM



          Why is the hard part so hard for uncle Pecos? Did he say something about it being too high? How high is too high and how can we find that out?

         Yodudllolllleedololloudleellooododollee C C CC CCC Crambone Aieeeeee!



    Uncle Pecos is The Man, and yes...he gets us pondering about those 2 words "how high".  I'm taking it that "TX" in your name means you're from Texas.  Well in Texas with all those oil rigs one can never be too rich.  And we understand that statement coming from those oil barons there. for "How high is too high?"...

    Back in the day, these two sort of answered the question...

    They pushed the gamut and they're still tick'in like a couple of old Timex watches.'s wacky tobacky is a lot stronger and has helped many a folk reach much higher levels than Cheech & Chong ever fathomed.

    Why don't we plan a WGT hiatus in The Mile High City (ALL ARE WELCOME).  We could call it a WGT "User" Conference.  Then we can begin figuring out the answer to that question...legally.  We can start with some Emperor Cookie Dough & Chem Dog.  Where we head from there only God can "ant sir".

    Good Luck! (with us ever wanting to leave Colorado after our testing)


  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 4:59 PM

    Dear Pabby .

     I was enjoying some quality time working on  my Yancycan coloring book , I was close to finishing page # 3 , its  the one with Squatch , the shadow person , A Troll . Mr WGT and ET playing cards .    As i was reaching for the alien green crayon i sorta bumped it and it rolled off the table and fell on the floor and broke it two , the two half,s then rolled across the floor under the couch .  

    Now then , I am not sure what lives there under the couch ,  Do i take the chance to find out or just ask the Santa of Christmas in July for a new Alien green crayon ?


  • pmm711
    5,720 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 5:10 PM


    Dear Pabby

    Im gettin kinda crabby as the wife sick and tired of me talking like this.

    Talking like this, talking like this, just cant help it , i always reminisce.

    Of the times i was normal, no rhyming in sight but i cant do it no more and ive given up the fight.

    Please please help me, give me advice, how can i stop i just wanna be nice.



    A long time ago another fellow used to listen to similar bullchit...but from his own mother.  She berated him constantly..."Why you keep talking like dat, talking like dat, talking like dat?"  He always answered,

    Just leave me alone...

    today is my day...

    I'm off to great places...

    I'm off and away.

    I have brains in my head...

    I have feet in my shoes...

    I can steer myself...

    any direction I choose.

    One day I'll go off and never come back...

    if you constantly, constantly always attack.

    I don't know about you but I'm happy he never succumbed.  So don't stop rhyming...just know it's do it the right way...and always be nice.

    Good Luck! (with convincing the wife that rhyming can make you famous one day)


  • pmm711
    5,720 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 5:36 PM


    Dear Pabby,

    Please excuse the interjection.

    Just wanted to stop by to let it be known that as the proprietor of the White Swallow Public House can you inform Mr. Boobs that on the evening of his unfortunate key mishap; no female staff were on that particular night's rota.


    Concerned of WGT land.

    Wiger Toods,

    I think you're still experiencing some effects of Post-Concussion Syndrome from when your ex waffled you with that driver in your driveway.  The barmaid working that night was co-proprietor, Nlin Eordegren, who relieved one of your tenders who came up ill. 

    I'm sorry to inform you, but if that rabbit dies, you'll be seeing more of Boobs than you ever imagined.

    Good Luck!(with not going OJ on Boobs & Nlin at the front door of the house that she built after knocking down the one that you built)


  • pmm711
    5,720 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 6:05 PM


    Dear Pabby .

     I was enjoying some quality time working on  my Yancycan coloring book , I was close to finishing page # 3 , its  the one with Squatch , the shadow person , A Troll . Mr WGT and ET playing cards .    As i was reaching for the alien green crayon i sorta bumped it and it rolled off the table and fell on the floor and broke it two , the two half,s then rolled across the floor under the couch .  

    Now then , I am not sure what lives there under the couch ,  Do i take the chance to find out or just ask the Santa of Christmas in July for a new Alien green crayon ?


    OPY-wan Kenobi,

    If you wait until July you're putting your entire place at risk.  Someone in Rachel, Nevada didn't heed the warnings and now he's gaming in this environment...

    I know you wouldn't want this to happen to you, right?

    So since you're not sure what's living under your couch you'll have to approach it slowly with something extremely enticing...since you're in the USA use the universal favorite food...a french fry...

    If you still have your hand after 10 seconds then it's safe to fetch the crayon halves.  If not, I hope you used your non-mouse-clicking hand to hold the fry.

    Good Luck! (with your pitch for rectangular-shaped crowns on Shark Tank)


  • craigswan
    32,017 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 4:09 AM

    Dear pabby ,

    I hope you are paid double wages for weekend work .

    I have " a friend "  on wgt called simon . That is because his name is really simon .

    Simply put we have been using wgt as a dating site . We target beautiful females by using their avator photo's , befriend them by playing alternate shot games and then ask them out for an away day weekend . Sometimes though the girl's are a bit shy . The excuses we get are very strange like i cannot meet you because i am playing rugby or washing my beard .

    Anyway he tells me he has found miss right . This could be the first real romance on wgt between 2 members . His love is called bigboy agnes . She stays in eastern bulgaria  but she  is of cajun origin 

    Do you think he will ask me to be his best man or even a groomsman .