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Country Club Pass

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Thu, Oct 24 2024 5:51 AM (19 replies)
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  • CPMitch00
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 9:21 AM

    Hi all,

    Im pretty new Im afraid and, before I play a game, I sometimes get a pop-up that says . . . 



    1 PASS = 37 CREDITS"

    I recently joined The Cavaliers Country Club. What are the pros and cons to buying/using/accepting this please?

  • nammvett
    123 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 10:18 AM


    Hi all,

    Im pretty new Im afraid and, before I play a game, I sometimes get a pop-up that says . . . 



    1 PASS = 37 CREDITS"

    I recently joined The Cavaliers Country Club. What are the pros and cons to buying/using/accepting this please?

    Passes are a complete waste of credits (money).  It's just another gimmic to get more cash out of your wallet and into their pockets...


  • 1BAMA5
    85 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 10:34 AM

    if  u use  pass  it  gives xp to the  country club you recieve a free pass 12 hrs after you use them at  no cost the xp  the country club gets  from you  using the pass helps the club to level up.. its best to use a pass on  the  game  of the day that  way  the club recieves the  most  xp

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 10:46 AM

    Using CC passes, you add XPs to your CC, helping it to level up and earn certain benefits like more tournament slots and more member spots.

    You get a free CC pass twelve hours after you used your last one - see the count in the game client (PC) and the max of points is available with the CDP bonus (continuous days played), once a day.

    Your CC is level 5 or 6, so they have earned the most precious (credit wise) benefits already: free Putting Pal and Shot Pal.

    All the other CC benefits have no credit value and your owner seems quite relaxed about it's development. So, methinks that there's no point to buy a CC pass - you will grow from free passes anyway!

    IMHO, WGT invented this system to make players spend credits for marginal "benefits of the community" which hardly benefit the players themselves.

    This is my position regardless of the situation of any CC:

    Never buy a CC pass - NEVER!

  • CPMitch00
    2 Posts
    Tue, Jan 10 2017 11:05 AM

    Many many thanks for the useful info 'Alosso' - very much appreciated.

  • Mace20170
    7 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2019 9:41 AM

    Helpful info. I've won so.d passes helping my club win a tuff war. Why don't you get the free 24 hr pass when you have 3 of the ones you win or bought in your inventory?

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2019 1:08 PM

    You get a free pass only when your stock is zero, unless you have spent way too much for a Pro or Premium membership tag.

  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Wed, Apr 24 2019 1:09 PM

    You get a free pass only when your stock is zero, unless you have spent way too much for a Pro or Premium membership tag.

  • YouLostToALoser
    199 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2020 7:09 AM

    Hi there. 

    I regularly look through these forums checking if I can find out specific things about the game that is troubling me or I want to seek an advantage of etc.

    I see your name a lot and after reading one or two, seek you out and read your thoughts on the topic as you re very knowledgeable and able to communicate everything I’ve read from you in a very concise, logical manner. You break quite complicated concepts (to new members anyway) down into a very simplified, though not not simplistic, way which is a very rare skill in my experience.

    But I have a question about your open outspokenness about never buying cc passes. Your club is in a clash and it is close but nobody is available with the ability to get enough points and the ones who are don’t have passes.

    In that very specific rare event, would it still be a never, or is that a possible ‘once in a blue moon’ (or England winning a football tournament) scenario were the best players buying a pass maybe worth it in order to win a tight clash?

    Thanks in advance and for all the gravy you give us poor saps to help us through this pretty realistic golf game...frustrating and addictive like the real thing.  

    Ps This has given me more golf in winter and unique access to some top notch golf course you only get to see on TV or behind ropes inbetween the holes. That’s the pull for me...

  • bossbird
    2,240 Posts
    Tue, Nov 24 2020 10:46 AM

    Different players and different clubs have different takes on buying passes . 
    Some clubs really want to play hard in turf wars to gain super passes for the clash , others want to play hard in clashes and want their members to play as much as possible.
    Its really down to what you like to play , if someone likes the clash , for example then they may consider the outlay to buy passes to be worthwhile.

    I personally like playing the clash , so would be likely to buy passes for that , if I needed to , but I dont really like playing turf wars , so that might not .

    buying passes for XPs for your club , is probably only something that the bigger clubs or those aspiring to become bigger would encourage you to do .

    It’s horses for courses really. 

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