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Fri, Jan 20 2017 9:03 AM (18 replies)
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  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Fri, Jan 13 2017 3:09 PM

    when wgt play clashes it screws every other games up

    any chance of sorting it out wgt?

  • ApexPC
    3,164 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 12:20 PM

    when wgt play clashes it screws every other games up

    Based on what evidence?

    Your all lower case type, missing punctuation, and posting your comments in an inappropriate forum section tends to diminish your credibility.


  • alosso
    21,083 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 12:53 PM

    Credible enough for you to dig him up after more than 24 hours...

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 2:35 PM


    when wgt play clashes it screws every other games up

    Based on what evidence?

    Your all lower case type, missing punctuation, and posting your comments in an inappropriate forum section tends to diminish your credibility.


    Maybe with yourself and at the extreme, possibly one or two others, which out of the vast numbers who use this site is quite minuscule. To that effect I would suggest that it is your post that lacks in credibility.

    As far as I'm aware the only criteria for posting in international forums is to make yourself understood in the given language of that forum. IMHO the OP did so. Apart from it's northern twang of course.

    Bearing in mind the various standards of education throughout the world, the volume of people who use English as a second, if not third language, would it not be an idea to refrain from setting yourself up as an English teacher in a golf game forum?

    Folk come here to resolve problems with their game not to have an essay marked.

  • K7JBQ
    1,468 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 2:48 PM

    Copy editors never get any credit. But when a typo occurs, watch out.

    To the OP's point, yes, multi-player games are iffy during Clashes. I try to stick to single play during those times. Learned that the hard way,

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 3:02 PM


    when wgt play clashes it screws every other games up

    Based on what evidence?

    Your all lower case type, missing punctuation, and posting your comments in an inappropriate forum section tends to diminish your credibility.


    yet another retired high school english teacher (?), with nothing better to do.  was his entry understood by those he was directing it to?  i think so!  mission accomplished! now go back to your hole until grammer gestopo is needed again.  my nickle.

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 4:03 PM

    Fact is that wgt rents it's servers and therefore, has a finite amount of space available, so naturally there is bound to be an increased lag time, which at times can be severe and reek havoc with many shots. Anyone who doubts this, has only to play during any typical CC vs. CC Clash and you will undoubtedly notice a significant impact on your meter and at peek times, even a delay in signing in. This server issue also has a Hugh impact on multi-player games, so at least for me, I avoid playing on Thursdays and Fridays every couple of weeks, except of course for participating in and helping to support my club to do it's best in these events!

    I might also add, what's so wrong with someone pointing out an obvious for-pour in language! I know, I'm certainly guilty of this and have no problem with a gentle reminder and hopefully that teacher likes to "Not" grade on the curve! lol

    Phil aka., Coyote

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 5:36 PM

    I have to agree with the above posters. I was one of the grammar police. Pet peeve is all. But, my correcting poor grammar (bad teacher and lazy student combo?), just caused hard feelings; and the lesson was lost. Now, if I can make sense of the message, I am generally ok with its' presentation.

    As an aside, Ada is a prince of a guy.:) 


  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Jan 15 2017 9:25 AM


    when wgt play clashes it screws every other games up

    Based on what evidence?

    Your all lower case type, missing punctuation, and posting your comments in an inappropriate forum section tends to diminish your credibility.


    Based on evidence ah av ah dooant need ta use capitals or punctuation ta mek missen understood you read t' post 'n belittled uz.

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