Miller2727: WGT just refuses to give some sort of punishment to quitters.
Did you read anything in the thread, or others about this issue.....or perhaps you have a solution you may like to share?
Excellent point Alan. Appears to be just another glass of whine, vintage 1977, "Poor, Poor, Pitiful Me". Best when served by Linda Ronstadt, from the vineyards of Warren Zevon.
To pvcerod:
As you see from my post in question it's addressed to Miller2727, not you. My other post where you were mentioned is below:
( I don't think WGT can distinguish between those who
deliberately quit and those who fail to complete a game because of
technical issues. )
They must be able to distinguish something as repeat offenders end up with Orange Ticks ;)
Im not so sure about that, when i was having probs with my pc I lost
connection during a few matchplays without actually quitting, course I
managed to get an orange tick & I wasnt too happy about that.
That is the problem, how to tell who just quit and who lost their
connection. This has been talked about quite a bit and it's not going
to change. WGT is not going to penalize customers, as they might then
leave the game and take there revenue stream with them.
Best advice still is to only play with friends and people you know, and use your passes differently so they are not "wasted".
As you see I agreed with you about WGT not being able to distinguish why disconnects happen, just that they do.
I always make it a point to quote someone so people know to whom I am referring. I don't want anyone to feel i randomly target them. That was the case with you also.
Finally, turning your comment back to you, perhaps you need to check your glasses, not me. Seriously, I hope we are good here as I don't want this to escalate into bad feelings between us. :-)