Players save a fortune by the 5 level move of the clubs!
FWIW, a club of L100 is now sold at L95. That equals to a difference of 1,150,000 XPs.
One theoretical scenario to get there is
to play fifteen 9 hole rounds worth 250 XPs daily = 3,750 XPs per day
repeat this for 230 days = 3,450 games and 862,500 XPs
Add CDPs for 230 days = circa 290,000 XPs for a total of 1,152,500 XPs.
3,450 games cost about 345 sleeves of balls.
Take some for 150 cr, and it would have cost you 51,750 credits.
That means, you get any 50,000 cr club as a "gift".
And you say that you want some extra rebate?
There's a lot of variation possible, but it shows the way.
(except for 5 hours daily, relentlessly, and that there ain't 7 months available to do it
Note to self: Add costs of mouse wear!)