I've only posted the names so that no-one accuses me of having 2 accounts, since there is probably no other player with all those different people on their friends list.
I have the same thing on top of my profile page Add as Friend or Invite to Play , it started last night Probably many others with the same issues
Heh-Looks like a few things got a little tangled up. You can't sell Equipment (option's gone), you can add yourself as a Friend and probably some more undiscovered snags.
What happened last night?
Weird.... Sarge , fancy swapping one of your doodles for a wiger? pffft
Cool.....now I always have a like-minded person to play with.
Thanks for the tip, I've befriended myself as well. Hope we get along ... I understand that sometimes I can be a total a--hole.
I've added myself as well. Now I wonder if I will cause my own meter glitches, finally you people can say, "it's your pc!", and be right. LOL
I will check it out. Thanks:)
Interesting.....Can you invite yourself to a match play? And then play against yourself? If so do you then get 2X the experience points? Maybe get some +40% XP boost drinks and reach L100 overnite!
andyson:.Can you invite yourself to a match play?
No. I tried it and you get the blue flashing invite but accepting it does nada. ;-)