Hi, this is just to make everyone smile. As you probably know, I've thus far reported quite a few bugs related to this forum's functionality. Well, if you can believe it, TWO's forums, despite being based on the standard phpBB software package, are even less satisfactory. They feature a tiny font you can hardly read; nearly identical avatar pictures for all forum posters, so it's hard to tell folks apart and see who's talking to whom; there are no email notifications whatsoever; and the Active Threads and My Discussions links do not exist either.
Something happened to me there earlier today that I think might amuse you. I wanted to post a comment to our WGT-on-TWO group of players, saying "this site's forum is at least 5 times as bad" as the other one... but TWO's chat software wouldn't allow me to post the comment, claiming it contained profanity (which it didn't: not the merest suggestion of it)! I tried something like 20 times, inserting asterisks into every single word – to no avail. I finally succeeded in submitting the comment after cutting it up into nine pieces, after replacing WGT by that other site and but by yet. I had no idea but was nowaydays considered an offensive word, but it appears to be too close to butt for some people's sensitivities. A certain fellow WGT player of ours who likes to extol the virtues of her, I mean his (well, whosever!) butt occasionally, might not be allowed to do so in the TWO environment!
Here, for your enjoyment, is a screenshot capturing the battle with the auto-censor (click thumbnail for full size):
On a very positive note, a TWO forum moderator has already replied to a thread I started to point out the forum deficiencies, saying they will try and improve the situation.