407 yard drive no count bummer st andrews #3 . in saved replays
119ft putt eagle http://www.wgt.com/replay.aspx?ID=4b993b3d-dcf1-4932-bb43-9e6e01248228
151Y Par4
Eagle : )
Check it out. Did #11 at wolf Creek rob me or not of an ace? The ball has eyes
108' eagle putt at St. Andrews
153 yd eagle
Does the ball go trough the flagstick? Click on angle #2
Very nice.....i got lucky myself yesterday or maybe day before....bp no. 8, 210 ft. ace. In my replays.
terrelldb: http://www.wgt.com/gameclient.aspx?view=tourney&JSON={%20%22TournamentId%22%20:%20%22Quick%22,%20%22GameType%22%20:%20%222%22,%20%22GameCourseId%22%20:%20%22KIOC_SC%22,%20%22TournamentDefinitionUrl%22%20:%20%22assets/tournament/all%22,%20%22Brand%22%20:%20%22%22,%20%22IsReadyGo%22%20:%20%22%22%20}
This link goes to the actual tournament, not the round lmao.