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Idea for Clash System and prizes

Sun, Mar 12 2017 2:01 PM (0 replies)
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  • 0000rb3
    270 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 7:44 AM

    WGT has the picture of golden clubs..all of them. Once they release this, and maybe before, they should implement a system like this one.

    Divide all of the clubs into groups....for every clash the groups change up.

    Within each group, there will be a winning CC. That CC will be awarded the golden club to one player from that club.

    Then WGT would take the rest of the CCs in that specific group and place all the PLAYERS THAT SHOT in the clash into a lottery for another of the same club given to the winning CC. (If you do not shoot, you don't get anything)

    Based on how many rounds you shot in that clash, your chances of winning the club increase.

    A max percentage (based on rounds shot) will be implemented. This will take away someone shooting 100 rounds and always winning the club.

    The percentages would be based on the number of rounds shot. Something like 1-5 rounds would be the smallest of percentages, 5-whatever would be next tier, so on and so forth. This would allow people that put a lot into the clash to not feel "jipped" because someone that shot a round or two won the club awarded.

    This system would be used for each grouping.

    Based on the Golden Clubs WGT would have available, each grouping would have a different club up for grabs. *Right now it would just be the putter

    This is a rough idea, but it would accomplish a couple of things. First of all, I believe it would pull more people into shooting the clash...and shooting more of it. (Even if their club isn't going to win, there's still a chance at a personal reward) Secondly, it would promote good favor towards the clash. People would lean more towards it being a good idea and not a worthless effort, because ONE club always the current system.

    And lastly, for WGT, it would mean increased revenue. Need I say

    Not that this will ever come into the reality of WGT, but any improvements would be appreciated.

    Thanks for listening,


  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 8:38 AM

    Thanks for listening,

    Your welcome

    Image result for Full waste basket cartoon

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 9:35 AM

    And I thought my suggestion was a bit complicated. 

  • CEverett12
    14,177 Posts
    Sun, Feb 12 2017 2:00 PM

    Right now its the Georgian and only the Georgian ,  And its been that way for ever , At least as long as I can remember , That takes away any hopes of winning away from all the other clubs , 2nd & 3rd place gets some balls , And 4th through 50th all get the same thing .

    I gift passes to my club members every time there is an event because they want to play , I understand that , It would be nice to see the event restructured to even out the odds a little . Its not very much fun when we all know who will win .

    WGT can make more money if they made it fun again , More people would play and buy passes , For now, its just not fun for most of us .. Any improvement would be great ..

  • 777999
    2,111 Posts
    Mon, Feb 13 2017 11:01 AM

    I think Stan, has a very good idea here and is on the right track, so I'll ad my name to his suggestion! Perhaps wgt could divide things up into 3 separate tiers based perhaps on the clubs level and number of members, so that a more even match would be created each time, reducing, or eliminating totally lopsided pairings!

    Example of parings:

    Tier 1: Clubs 1 - 7   Members 1 - 50

    Tier 2: Clubs 1- 7   Members  51 - 100

    Tier 3: Clubs 1 - 7   Members 101 & up

    Tier 4: Clubs 8 - 14   Members 1 - 50

    Tier 5: Clubs 8 - 14   Members 51 - 100

    Tier 6: Clubs 8 - 14   Members 101 & up

    Tier 7: Clubs 15 +    Members 1 - 50

    Tier 8: Clubs 15 +   Members 51 - 100

    Tier 9: Clubs 15 +   Members 101 & up

    Using this type of system, would at least go a long way to making things fair and competative, so how about it wgt???

    Phil aka., Coyote

  • Dreanns
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2017 4:30 AM

    Nice idea! But unfortunately at the moment i just can't play, i have some health issues and this makes me feel so bad... i get a really intense hyperactivity when playing games, especially if i lose... I'm so happy for you guys that you can do it!

  • pmm711
    5,785 Posts
    Fri, Feb 17 2017 3:00 PM


    Thanks for listening,

    Your welcome

    Image result for Full waste basket cartoon


    Dudes...we all know it's a flawed system and makes no sense as it's based on $ spent and not a true competition.

    Zio gave the best response as that's exactly what WGT and the mods did with this thread,

  • pierolitfiba
    6,844 Posts
    Mon, Feb 20 2017 2:56 PM

    I think simply play it single round and get only best 10 result score each CC..................and from 2nd round play CC winner against CC winner of the 1st round ecc ecc ecc ecc.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Feb 20 2017 4:32 PM


    Thanks for listening,

    Your welcome

    Image result for Full waste basket cartoon

    Suggestions for CC Clashes was closed a long time ago.......Zio has clearly demonstrated where all new Cc Clash suggestions go.

  • Dreanns
    2 Posts
    Fri, Feb 24 2017 12:45 PM

    Its a good idea

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