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a good reason never to spend money on this game

Wed, Feb 22 2017 10:36 AM (104 replies)
  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 6:43 AM

    Skreet, not being one of the many maggots on here that write insulting posts on walls and then block said person to prevent a reply, or sneak to sir but say nothing up front to the person concerned, here's something for you.

    I have written to WGT/Topgolf complaining of your constant baiting and bullying of Colin and I will do so every time you post one of your cowardly posts. It would be nice if others did the same.

    Because you have a fish in the middle of the shoal at WGT means nothing to me. Even he will eventually get pissed off with you like everyone else has.

    Why don't you leave Colin alone. He's just lost a good friend to cancer and has recently come out of hospital himself due to heart issues. Even so, he's still more of a man than you'll ever be.

    Now slide back under your stone.


  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 6:59 AM

    If playing WGT  is meant to be entertainment, accept that you will not be a champion player. If you desire to play the game at the highest levels, then put in the hours necessary to improve, just as any other high level performer has. This is not a game built on chance!


    Well said.  

  • Robert1893
    7,729 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 7:16 AM

    playing club tourney going along quiet nicely hit -6 the game went haywire...

    Just want to say that I feel your pain.

    Last night, I was -6 through 5 holes on St. Andrews. I only managed to birdie 2 of the last 4 holes. And I got a par on the 9th hole! Who gets a freaking par on the 9th hole of St. Andrews? Sigh. I had to settle for a 28.

    Freaking game!  

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 7:44 AM



    Secondly...why continually complain in a public way?  After 6+ years of experience, the OP should know wgt doesn't care about his gripes. 


    LMFAO......  Well, you certainly complain regularly...   your point?   I'm sure there is "NO POINT".......just another rendition of the "Pot calling the Kettle Black".....

    Actually CT comments more than complains and is more helpful than critical . Also as for my club mate and friend James I would suggest that all who have negative things to say about him re-read his post . It seems that you all missed the LOL at the end  of it .

    He wasnt complaining or blaming but venting in jest about a good round going bad .So before you all start the mud slinging name calling and disrespecting each over this thread , please remember this is only a game .


  • jamesfox1973
    104 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 7:49 AM

    its does make me laugh a lot when i see u "signed up 6yrs ago...blah blah blah"....i signed up only played for a few weeks then went off to play settlersonline.....only come back to wtg about 4-5months ago now...:)..


    despite all the replies i have had to my posts not one has ever managed to explain the anomalies i post about....

    i know use a putting calc from young46...and although i check every putt for any elevation and check i using the right meter (15,25,30,50 etc..)...for no reason at all a few putts just stop short (by quiet a large margin ) i cannot see a reason for this as all other putts go the right distance....2+2 should always = 4 not like here sometime it = 3.5.....

     thing is instead fo answering this type of question all i get is insulted and abused by a select few every time.....who probably think they funny but are instead just juvanlie

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 8:15 AM


    its does make me laugh a lot when i see u "signed up 6yrs ago...blah blah blah"....i signed up only played for a few weeks then went off to play settlersonline.....only come back to wtg about 4-5months ago now...:)..


    despite all the replies i have had to my posts not one has ever managed to explain the anomalies i post about....

    i know use a putting calc from young46...and although i check every putt for any elevation and check i using the right meter (15,25,30,50 etc..)...for no reason at all a few putts just stop short (by quiet a large margin ) i cannot see a reason for this as all other putts go the right distance....2+2 should always = 4 not like here sometime it = 3.5.....

     thing is instead fo answering this type of question all i get is insulted and abused by a select few every time.....who probably think they funny but are instead just juvanlie

    James...I meant no disrespect in my rhetorical thoughts. As far as your time on here, nobody knows what you have done, except for the record which is available...joined in 2010, number of ranked rounds, etc. 

    Although you claim to be seeking advice, your public threads do seem to have a certain theme to them...that is it's the game and not your play. I play every day, have top kit and I'm average at best. I hit good shots and bad. I simply take this game for the entertainment that it is. Probably the best advice you will receive.

    Any comparison to FMags is unfair as he is not your average bear...he and his peers have innate talent that gets honed through practice...majority of us will simply not be that good.


  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 8:49 AM

    Well, James, what do you expect? May i call you James? Ok, my name is Friedel.

    My english is not the best, but i will try to explain something: There are a lot of players, me I am one of them, who like the game and the forums and are realy tired of reading all those hundrets of complains here. Seems like it`s according to a pattern that players play a bad round and then come here to bash WGT for it.

    Wouldn`t it be better to ask questions? Be sure, the guys here would give you helpfull answers. For that a forum is the right place. But what is a good answer to "oh, the game is so bad, it`s not worth any money, better not play it, WGT is the devil, we are all victims of them, they do nothing right" and so on and on and on? After hundrets, felt to me like thousands of complains like that it gets absolutely boring to read all that senseless stuff, it is just to much of it here in the forums!

    We all have bad rounds sometimes. Maybe everyone of us gets angry sometimes when a wtf-shot or a stuttering meter ruins a round. And what? Shall everbody then ruin the forum too with useless anger? This is a game, not more and not less, only a game. If you have fun with it play it, if not leave it. That is simple, isn`t it? 

    My two cents: Nothing personal, but enough is enough with all those complains.

  • stevietwotimes
    1,327 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 8:49 AM



    playing club tourney going along quiet nicely hit -6 the game went haywire....puts started stopping short.....tee shots start veering severely.....what a load of crap.....

    so went from -6 to +6 in just a few hole....


    this is like a crooked casino game most




    thats bang out of order again Paul,who the fek are you to tell someone hes an idiot,wonder if you would say it face to face.........

    dont know James but id always defend people from bullys like you....

    you are just a keyboard warrior and not for the 1st time your comments have wound me up and been well out of line......

    if you have nothing good to say,say nothing at all...

  • whooshdangit
    1,246 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 9:01 AM


    We all have bad rounds sometimes. Maybe everyone of us get`s angry sometimes when a wtf-shot or a stuttering meter ruins a round. And what? Shall everbody then ruin the forum too with useless anger? This is a game, not more and not less, only a game. If you have fun with it play it, if not leave it. That is simple, isn`t it? 

    My two cents: Nothing personal, but enough is enough with all those complains.


    I'd say that's just about nailed it!




  • LuckySkreet
    611 Posts
    Tue, Feb 21 2017 9:04 AM

    LMAO.....  my weekly visit to the forum never disappoints.....         The hypocrisy runs deep.