Oh for crystal balls that don't make me walk like John Wayne fresh of his horse and drinking milk. I doubt milk would aid my recovery as much as it did for the Duke.
Logging in throgh Mozilla was interesting as I never usually use it. Loads of ads that seemed to already guess I was a guy v pornography from my usual Chrome if I ever disabled ad block (:.................
On an extended hiatus from a great game at the mo, but check in say twice a week and looked for this discussion as same FLASH issues as anyone else. Mozilla is where Chrome was last week as I type - allow this anus horribilis plug in or not v the ever longer PC side workarounds elsewhere.

The future is not ours to see (per that lovely song IMO)..........
The Apocalypse is still as big a business as ever; the last bus gave way to all night buses whilst the high street lady was the most correct. The high street is now a shadow of its former self even if the internet shop was more than a few days hence.
Champ should be running for power somewhere:)..............Wish you well Champ and may have $5 each way on that prediction as it looks a dead cert v a life support stage 4 patient.
The PC side is long since riding the not too fancied All Over Red Rover three legger. Something needs to change to prevent the game being just another AppStore option aimed a 5 minutes superchageing here or there that's loosely based on a super ancient game to those who ever played that version.
Samsung is collaborating (or was) with several for it's DEX option. Maybe something useful in the near future?? In all honesty me playing any form of this game this game on a phone or a tablet is zero chance but I am 55.........................And non windows Tablets are niche in any business I do (I don't have a need nor see one for an extra and this game is not currently bif enough for it, IMO).
Some thoughts........................Game on:)