I have been having a hard time with Oakmont matches, either alt shot or MPC in my experience. I have been in two MPC's now when the game freezes or when someone has to close and re-open.
The first time, i accidentally closed the browser. When i re-opened, it said i was waiting for my opponent to re-connect. Then he timed out. The problem was it said that I had lost because i did not return in time, even though i was watching the clock tick down. So i had a big fiasco of getting my credits forfeited back to me and i lost some because i had to pay for the WGT Fees both times.
Then it happened again, but in the reverse and i now have someone else's credits unjustly. Waiting to hear back from him about forfeiting them back.
Today it happened again with Oakmont where neither my partner or i could get back into our Alt shot match after a Freeze.
Does anyone else have an issue with this...Wgt are you aware of this bug?