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WGT......It's a GAME

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Mon, Mar 20 2017 12:25 PM (17 replies)
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  • WinterHawk1951
    392 Posts
    Thu, Mar 9 2017 10:00 AM

    To any or all the teams, that I have played for, I want to say a few things. First to the teams that have labeled me as a "country club jumper" ask yourself if you were a little misleading in the manner that you recruit new players. Tell them what you want, just to get folks to join, then blame them for not staying long. I had CC owners that had no idea what some programs, like TeamSpeak were, that I asked if they had, and they had never heard of it. Do your homework, owners. Don't lie to future members.

     Secondly, I thought I did enough research along with what I was told by the persons responsible for recruiting, to make sensible judgements. Guess again.

     To the teams that still correspond with me, there are no bad feelings between us, because when I have left them, after any amount of time, I generally try to get a note off to them, thanking them for having me. Most appreciate this, I can tell. They are the ones that allow me access to their TeamSpeak or Skype channels. Others don't. It is almost like you were be-friended by them because they didn't offer what they said they did.So, they write you off.

    I have found some very genuine friends on teams and team owners, Thank You!! 

    To all the rest.......WGT is a GAME but "It's nice to be important, but more important to be nice" maybe some day your cc will be somewhat real and not just a bunch of liars.

    Just my two cents worth and I chose now to vent!!

  • Robert1893
    7,712 Posts
    Thu, Mar 9 2017 10:04 AM

    Cool story, bro. 

  • pmm711
    5,641 Posts
    Thu, Mar 9 2017 11:41 AM

    JayW has been a member of more CCs imaginable and he's still beloved by everyone on WGT.  And I don't think he's considered a "CC Jumper".  For him variety is the spice of life.

  • dedBuNNy
    1,919 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 8:05 AM

    If this is a contest, I'd like to throw my hat into the ring... LOL

    At a guess I'd say maybe 30...50? Not sure how that rates... ;-) I'm certainly at the opposite end of that 'liked' spectrum  that's for sure, in some cases it's been a resounding FO...... hahahaha 

    Funny that, how you can leave behind events running with credits you've added as prizes etc and because you decided to leave, you're basically a dirtbag. Well I didn't see anyone else creating anything fun or giving members something to off-set the idiotic ball pricing, just all sort sof free events that just benefit WGT, not the people playing.

    In my 'CC hopping' I've met some really nice people for sure, genuinely nice peeps for sure, I've also met some total f**kin idiots - In that regard CC's here are very much like CC's in real life, so WGT got that part right! ;-))

    I've always wondered why WGT doesn't allow you to be in more than one CC at a time, not sure why that is. It's very much like turf-wars the way some people run them, one of the side observations of having been in so many I've noticed is, some CC owners need to chill the f*k out when it comes to people coming and going, it's not like there is a way to preview what goes on, how a CC is run, events etc.. You have to join and if something doesn't mesh, so what? If there's no personal issues or fights, why be a douche and get all pissy because someone tries the place out, or even goes back to see if the place has changed, is different?

    Personally I'd like to have members that come and go, stay a while, then take off or what have you, as long as they're playing, being cool... who cares?

    Whatever.. your CC's do what you want I suppose. 


  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Fri, Mar 10 2017 9:17 AM

    Many of the CC's seem to be about numbers. What's the point in having a CC with 240 members if 80 are inactive?...Boot them and run a smaller, more efficient CC. The members who participate and contribute should be the only ones that should be counted.

    I've been with several CCs and they all tend to be the same after a while. Made up of diverse personalities and events. I bore of them, or them of me, and it's time to move on...I always send a TY note and I never thought of it as CC jumping.

    I do agree with the OP that not all CC owners are honest in their marketing. A "friendly" CC where even management wont welcome you?...seriously?

    Many threads are dedicated to the "best CC"...not defined as the criteria for each person is different. As long as the CC has what a player is looking for...then for him or her, it's the best. If it's clash wins, then the Georgian is the best...if it's simple fun, then other CCs fit the bill.


  • WoodyJeep
    1,961 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 5:58 AM

    Many of the CC's seem to be about numbers. What's the point in having a CC with 240 members if 80 are inactive?...Boot them and run a smaller, more efficient CC. The members who participate and contribute should be the only ones that should be counted.

    Do you see the irony in you disparaging how anybody should care about the number of members in a club and then you describe what the rule should be for the number of members in a club?  

    How is having a smaller club more efficient than having a larger club?  Members who don't participate also don't require any management.  This game requires a lot of time playing if you're going to be good at it.  People's lives change and some will no longer have the time and will become inactive.

    I advertise our club in the Country Club Corner section of WGT.  Why can't I delete my old post and start a new one with fresh information?  Because WGT does not give me the delete option which makes no sense that I can think of.  Clubs change but I'm not about to go through all 10 pages of my post to update.

    The WGT community is made up of real people with different personalities which means they will come into our club and leave with no explanation.  Life is short, quit if your expectations outweigh reality.

  • phred952
    2,714 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 11:52 AM

    Sorry, but some of us feel that having active members is more important.   Our CC expects members to play 4 CC tournaments per month.  

    We make allowances for the fact that life happens, so that is a guideline, not a mandatory minimum.  But if someone plays other types of game, and won't follow that rule, they will eventually be removed.  Inactive members serve no purpose.

     People can and will disagree as to how they want to run their CC's.  So no one way is right for everyone.  Just as everyone is not a good fit for all CC's.  Life is what you make it.  

    188 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 1:05 PM

    I totally agree with phred952. My CC is new since mid Dec. and has a decent amount of members in that length of time. My inactivity rule is at least a play per month. A member not following that rule will be demoted to recruit for another month (as a reminder). If he/she plays in that time it's back to member until such time as it may be imposed again. Constant abuse of that and they will be culled. I don't feel it is too much to ask that a member play that often, for what is the reason why one would join a club and not play?

    I have been culled from a club I thought was too demanding but I certainly can see why they are what they are. They are serious, me not so much.

  • ct690911
    7,205 Posts
    Sat, Mar 11 2017 2:16 PM


    Many of the CC's seem to be about numbers. What's the point in having a CC with 240 members if 80 are inactive?...Boot them and run a smaller, more efficient CC. The members who participate and contribute should be the only ones that should be counted.

    Do you see the irony in you disparaging how anybody should care about the number of members in a club and then you describe what the rule should be for the number of members in a club?  

    How is having a smaller club more efficient than having a larger club?  Members who don't participate also don't require any management.  This game requires a lot of time playing if you're going to be good at it.  People's lives change and some will no longer have the time and will become inactive.

    I advertise our club in the Country Club Corner section of WGT.  Why can't I delete my old post and start a new one with fresh information?  Because WGT does not give me the delete option which makes no sense that I can think of.  Clubs change but I'm not about to go through all 10 pages of my post to update.

    The WGT community is made up of real people with different personalities which means they will come into our club and leave with no explanation.  Life is short, quit if your expectations outweigh reality.

    Opinions don't require data or facts to back them up...I was just posting my opinion. Yours may be different.  All good. No irony that I see.

    I do agree the game requires a lot of practice to become good...but most things in life have a middle ground. Rarely is it all or nothing;  i.e, achieve FMags quality or quit.

    For the record, I just joined a CC and it was pointed out to me that some of the players are inactive...also all good. I don't own the CC, so I don't much care. I just do my own thing.

    later bro,



  • WoodyJeep
    1,961 Posts
    Sun, Mar 12 2017 8:06 AM

    ct690911, no offense, I just thought it was ironic and I was maybe a bit defensive because of all the people busting me on how I have a big club but have (blank?) many inactive.

    Once a club reaches the level of max benefits, what is the point of adding more XP's and going higher.  I have to admit that I like saying our club has reached level 18, but it doesn't mean a thing.  So, why would I make members play a certain number of rounds or demand they use the free passes to earn XP's.

    I can understand a smaller club striving for some benefits, but our club is allowed to have 20 club tournaments going simultaneously and have never, that I can remember, needed to have that many.  The one benefit is that I can let the newest recruit create tournaments and I don't need to manage it.

    The only decent tournaments are those run outside of the club tourneys so they can be handicapped because WGT does not offer any kind of handicapping.  What are we, all scratch WGT golfers?  And the WGT player scoring average is so one sided you can't even use that, not even remotely.  

    More club rules means more policing which means more work.  No thank you.  The only reason I boot peeps for more than 2 months inactivity is because our club is so Nice and Friendly that I think more people should be able to enjoy it.

    Thank you, I feel better.

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