With this kind of attitude to members you can't have much of business-sense. WGT is a company that want more members and saying like you do that service has not changed in 5 years just make me laugh. So everything is better the way it always has been and change is dangerous and bad...?
Again, and again, you have completely missed the point.
You have been here a whole month.. congrats on that... the problems that you are screaming from the mountain-top have been here since LONG before you got here. There were much better 'golfers' than you, much smarter, much more well-respected both within and without the confines of this system saying the same things as you are saying now.
With EXACTLY the same results.
As I have said in another thread... the only thing WGT understands is the almighty US DOLLAR. If enough are taken away they will have to change or die. As long as the dollars are rolling in they are under no obligation or inclination to fix anything.
There is an old saying here in America that says: "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." You may think WGT is broken and it needs fixing... WGT is making money, therefore the people at WGT don't think it's broken.
Again, Eligolfer, you've been here a month. When you actually get dry behind the ears come back to the top of the mountain and try to scream something new. As it is right now, it's the 'same old, same old' and nobody who has been here more than a few weeks is going to take you seriously.
But, you can still have a nice day.