My two main suggestions:
1.- rotate tier-based ready-go nines.
When I reached 'Master' status, the two nines for ready-go's were St. Andrews front and Oakmont front. After I became a Tour Master a month ago, I was pleasantly surprised to see different nines for Tour Masters (Bethpage front and Kiawah front) ... until a few days later, when the nines became St. Andrews front and Oakmont back. They've stayed the same ever since.
Is it a monthly rotation? The change seemed to take place on April 1st, so perhaps my timing is just bad.
I like playing the contests, and do play other ready-go's among all players, but more variation in the tier-based contests would seem to me to be a good idea.
2.- I would also very much like to see different pin placements. Seeing only one pin placement for Oakmont and Kiawah gets tiring. At least there is some variation with Bethpage and St. Andrews.