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Mon, Mar 20 2017 2:50 PM (37 replies)
  • PickettPocket
    22 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 7:52 PM

    So magnetic pressure is not the same as some people you first see from the other side of the street?


  • ostfriedel
    2,052 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 11:08 PM


    I have 2 bags

    1 with a tonne of feathers,

    1 with a tonne of concrete

    dropped from 10 meters

    which would hit the ground first?

    I guess the bag with feathers will be bigger than the one with concrete, because a tonne of feathers need more place than a tonne of concrete. That leads to more drag of the bag of feathers. Because of less volume the (smaller sized) bag of concrete will have less breaking effect by the atmosphere and so in my east frisian oppinion it should hit the ground first.

    take same bags to the moon

    which would hit the moon first?

    Moon has no atmosphere. So there will be no atmospheric breaking affect. So the size of the bags dont matter. Both should hit the ground same time.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Sat, Mar 18 2017 2:48 AM

    Perfect, Friedel - there is intilligince in Frisia ;)

    BTW: The gravity effect is independant of the weight:
    A tonne of concrete will fall as fast as a kilogram, disregarding the aerodynamic drag.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 9:11 AM

    See how weak gravity actually is. Tension can overcome it very easily under many circumstances. Gravity being equal as every one postulates, should overcome the tension force. It does not. When asked why, there is no explanation.

    Putting extra weight on the slinky has no effect, conducive to gravity.

    Time for new math to enter the realm of quantum mechanics to unify all four forces.

    Gravity, Electromagnetism, the 2 nuclear forces, the strong force holds the nucleus together, and the weak force, resulting in rapid radioactive decay.

    All are trying to combine all 4 into, "the theory of everything" to finally explain our universal laws. We just cheat & call it physics.

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 12:59 PM


    If anyone grasps this concept, you do Paul. I know this will be by no means, the end of a long line of questioning, haranguing, LOL, and everything else you can get in the pot.

    So I thank you for playing along, and bid you adieu, for the evening. 

    All good fun.

    I don't have any postulated theories kicking around in my head, I just love the subject, it's equally fascinating and bewildering. I just love science, maybe it's in my blood, I'm from the same town as James Watt and James Clerk Maxwell is one of my heroes.

    I ended up being an electrical engineer in a power station, something drew me to it. ;)

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 1:48 PM



    If anyone grasps this concept, you do Paul. I know this will be by no means, the end of a long line of questioning, haranguing, LOL, and everything else you can get in the pot.

    So I thank you for playing along, and bid you adieu, for the evening. 

    All good fun.

    I don't have any postulated theories kicking around in my head, I just love the subject, it's equally fascinating and bewildering. I just love science, maybe it's in my blood, I'm from the same town as James Watt and James Clerk Maxwell is one of my heroes.

    I ended up being an electrical engineer in a power station, something drew me to it. ;)

    sorry if i upset anyone just thought i would post a fun thread here

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 1:51 PM

    sorry if i upset anyone just thought i would post a fun thread here

    No-ones upset, quite the reverse.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 2:21 PM

    something drew me to it. ;)

    Your ·audacious "magnetic" personality, perhaps. WHAAAhhaaahhaahhaa

     Or something on this Fridge, for ce sure, did...


    The answer is "out there"

    Science is Watt it's all about... ;o, Maxwell, without knowing it, with his theories, essentially could have been the father, of the Laser's we use today.

    Plus, I love blowing shyt up, down, sideways. A little chemistry in the wrong hands, is a very dangerous thing. Even though it often "blows" you away with laughter

    Omni, April, 1985 edition had the IQ test in it. I can't find it. Grrrrrrrrr



    sorry if i upset anyone just thought i would post a fun thread here

    Your the new VIAGRA, Adaputter

    You've managed to stimulate a lot of "brain" cells in here...

    Just ask any woman...

    One UP for you Bro


  • pmm711
    5,770 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 3:26 PM

    Free very hard IQ Tests. We know that even the most well versed IQ test takers will find these test challenging, Includes the The Mega Test, originally published in Omni magazine, April 1985.

    "World's Most Difficult IQ Test.", Omni magazine, April 1985, pp. 128-132. Graham, Ellen. "For Minds of Mega, the Mensa Test, is a Real No-Brainer", The Wall Street Journal subs. req., April 9, 1992, p. A1.

  • gonfission
    2,264 Posts
    Sun, Mar 19 2017 3:43 PM

    I know, but where is it??? That's the one that I sent in to take the real one.

    I can't find the test itself, just what you found. I want the test again.