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Love to join new cc

Fri, Mar 17 2017 10:04 AM (5 replies)
  • fee9b
    44 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 4:56 PM

     Iplay every day and allways use my pass,need a club that has great commucation and great rounds,and can offer help.

    Many thanks Joy

  • maoriand1
    1,287 Posts
    Thu, Mar 16 2017 7:17 PM

    you are welcome in the Victoriae..

    we have all u are asking for

    feel free to send a request.


  • WillieSinkit
    1,761 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 1:49 AM


    Please have a good look at MEGA - invite sent.

  • fee9b
    44 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 1:57 AM

    Thank you.Joy

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 3:56 AM

    Joy: Perhaps you could give a bit more information. I see that you have been a member of 2 clubs since the first of the year. One looked like it had a lot of  members who had not played in a years time and had not been culled from the rolls. The other that you were in longer seemed to have more active members but still many who had not played in some time. What was it about these clubs that didn't fill your needs? Clubs should be about more than a free putter pal or your giving the club daily points. Did the clubs have a forum or their own website?  Were you put on friends lists? Did the owner "interview you" or ask you why you wanted to join?  Without some of this information it is hard to know what kind of a fit  might exist between you and some club? Having only 3 friends does send up a flag about your desires.

    And it appears that none of what I have written is important if the owner of your old club takes you back as you  have asked.

  • lonniescott711
    4,208 Posts
    Fri, Mar 17 2017 10:04 AM


     Iplay every day and allways use my pass,need a club that has great commucation and great rounds,and can offer help.

    Many thanks Joy

    L82 Tour Pro / 317 ranked rounds / no A/S and no M/P .

    Also as Hack has pointed out you are trying to get back in to one of your old CCs . I find you very questionable because it seems that you dont know what it is that you want to do . I would suggest that you try your old club first and then come to the forums if that doesnt turn out .