FATTY501: Decision Tom?
My thought is that this supposed to be an 18 hole match, although we now know the mobile guys can only do 9 at a time. We all know a lot can change on 2nd 9.
Since they only played 8, I would start a 2nd 9 hole match with Rivers enjoying a 1 hole lead on paper. If Dick wins the 2nd 9 by 2 or more, he wins. If it is a draw after 9 (before any OT), Rivers wins since he would be 1 UP, and if Dick wins by 1 it is a draw.
If Rivers gets to dorme (say, 2 up with 2 to go), Rivers has won because of 1 hole in the bank. They can end match then or play on, as they prefer, but match for our purposes is over.