Soulcatcher if you want to accept that as an answer that's fine. But let me point out the problems again that you obviously don't see. If you see them and dont care then why would you bother?
Soulcatcher:Don’t worry, we haven’t lost our minds. We’re definitely focused on delivering you the best possible virtual golf experience!
If you notice the HD is now missing. WHY? I feel its because the HD that I have chosen to invest my TIME and MONEY into is now or soon will be GONE.
Yes like you I had to sign the agreement. It clearly says WGT has right to change anything at anytime and we have no rights at all. This is a standard thing and we all sign.
I assumed that change anything did not mean that the HD game would be downgraded to XD. Small changes are constantly needed and accepted as normal.
Bottom line is I invested in a HD simulator and anything NOT HD is frankly violation of trust.
Soulcatcher:This year, we’ve already added Harbour Town and Hilversumsche closest-to-the-hole,
Yes they did. But now these are as are the other CTTH courses trugolf only. Yes thats right all CTTH an Blitz courses are trugolf and not HD.
Even our beautiful Beth St. Andy etc. courses are trugolf only for playing CTTH an Blitz.
Soulcatcher:as well as Congressional (full 18 in May) and Royal St Georges (full 18 in June) full-stroke courses.
These are coming but are they HD? At this point I seriously doubt it. Why?
Because it appears to me that they are doing the old switch a roo... As in they are flipping courses 1 at a time till they are all XD an not HD. Then any new courses you see in XD will look the same. This is a good plan and will fool all but those who play daily.
Soulcatcher:The new TruGolf courses are a new option to help address all the requests for more courses than WGT is able to produce on its own.
Well i think we were asking for more HD courses. I feel that trugolf is that other online golf game. As such it has no place sitting next to HD.
If WGT is reading then do this. Add all the non HD in a separate area. Having this crap blended as if there no difference is why I NO LONGER ask any of my friends to play here.
Before trugolfs cartoons show up I was telling everyone I knew that they just had to experience the best online HD golf simulator. I no longer feel any investment in this company is justified and therefore would not recommend it.
Really hope that changes as I need a new putter and irons but till this goes one way or another I cant see dropping any more cash here. If i have to settle for low quality I can get that from elsewhere with fewer hassles. And cheaper too.
Soulcatcher:Because TruGolf courses are developed externally, WGT does need to charge a fee to play a TruGolf course. However, TruGolf has agreed not to charge for the closest-to-the-hole game, so WGT players can try and play any new TruGolf course for 0 credits and see what you think first.
This adds even more questions for me. But first a lil disclaimer. If i owned the servers I would impose a green fee on new HD courses. Maybe even 100cr for first month. next month 50 an so on till it was free.
This does 2 VERY important things for the company. First off the fees would go a long way toward paying for development of the new course and the next new one in the works. If this had been done before then maybe now WGT would not be forced to settle for second best under financial stress.
Secondly it prevents server OVERLOAD. If cabo was free everyone would be playing it to death... well death of a server lol. People want to see the new thing even if it's crap. Proven by the fact that many have paid more than once to play XD CaboWabo.
Now the BIG question that statement begs to be asked. Am I playing CaboWabo an CTTH an Blitz on WGT servers or TruGolf's?
Soulcatcher:The development of these courses is done by the TruGolf team and we’ve worked very closely to match the game experience, physics and equipment performance.
Even bigger question here. What engine are we playing on. I see clearly that the images we play in are going to XD. So what about the underbelly of the WGT beast?
Are we playing on the trugolf engine? NO? I dont get why TRU needs to work on our equipment an such if all they are doing is painting the picture?
Truth would be that your equipment is being changed to match the trugolf engine. They are working hard to make the WGT experience match that of trugolf.
Soulcatcher:Hopefully, our long-time players have seen that we really do listen closely and make changes based on feedback, so we’ll continue doing that, and I sincerely hope you continue to enjoy the game.
Been here a month almost so i'm hoping that they listen to the new members as well. Also hoping that WGT continues to bring online golf to us all in the HD that we have come to love and expect.
Soulcatcher:Please invite me to play a game (MisterWGT) next time we’re both online together.
I have marked the page and will see if this is a real invite. I so do like hearing stuff right from the horses mouth.. lol. He is only as master. Slightly disappointed he's not a legend. Would have just guessed a 5 yr member who co-founded the game would be more...
But maybe that means I can woop'em lol. Ok that all for me. Off to play the HD courses before they go away too.
Peace clams