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Best and quickest way to earn credits?

Fri, Aug 20 2021 1:32 PM (15 replies)
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  • Mdunn4435
    5 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2017 5:15 PM

    I'm sure there's a thousand posts on this subject, but for some reason I can never get any of the "offers" to work, other than the 2 credit videos. Has anybody had this same issue? I'll do the offer and I won't get any reward for it. Any tips on quickly earning credits would be greatly appreciated, as I would love to upgrade my driver to a master-tier level club. Thank you much :)

  • alosso
    21,103 Posts
    Sun, Mar 26 2017 7:37 PM

    Best and quickest way to earn credits?

    Get yourself a job, earn some real money, invest it in your golfing pastime. This is quickest if your wage is above 2 $ / hour.

  • Mdunn4435
    5 Posts
    Wed, Mar 29 2017 10:22 PM

    Hahah you're right. But i'm a college athlete so I can only work part-time, and if I'm going to spend money on golf I'd rather be spending it on real golf lol

  • MrFunnyWobbl
    894 Posts
    Thu, Mar 30 2017 12:23 PM

    Robbing Banks 

  • alosso
    21,103 Posts
    Thu, Mar 30 2017 12:59 PM

    Hahah you're right. But i'm a college athlete so I can only work part-time, and if I'm going to spend money on golf I'd rather be spending it on real golf lol

    Good for you - clear preferences! Use your time better than hoping for "free" credits!

    I'm serious: The "wage" would be 2 $ or less, and the road is plastered with disappointing situations!

    Make your choice!

  • flatstick96
    233 Posts
    Mon, May 1 2017 11:36 AM

    I'm new to this site, so take my input with a big grain of salt.

    That said, I've recently completed two offers for a decent amount of credits (about 2,000 total) and here are my takeaways:

    1. I prefer to focus on the higher-paying offers, figuring that if I'm going to hassle with completing them, the payoff should be "worth it".
    2. Generally, the higher paying offers require you to actually spend real time and/or money - which I'm OK with, if it is something I was going to do anyway.  Case in point: I recently completed an offer for 1,020 credits by e-filing my personal income taxes with Turbo Tax. This is something I do every year, and that was time/money that I was going to expend regardless, so I might as well get some credits out of the deal.
    3. If you don't get the credits paid out (and there are MANY horror stories on the internet from people complaining about these various "offers for virtual credits" outfits), don't be afraid to contact said outfit and be a polite pain in the ass.  Peanut Labs initially didn't credit me for either offer I completed, and tried to blow me off, but in the end persistence (with politeness) paid off, and I got them to pay out both offers (tip: always take screenshots as "proof").

  • player987654
    28 Posts
    Wed, May 3 2017 5:55 PM

    If you kept with it....

    You could watch 2 credit videos and earn an average of 5 credits a minute.

    That's 300 credits an hour.

    That's 2700 in a 9 hour work slot

    That's just short of the L55 M1 driver.

  • ZioMio
    4,680 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 8:14 AM


    If you kept with it....

    You could watch 2 credit videos and earn an average of 5 credits a minute.

    That's 300 credits an hour.

    Or $3.00 an hour Image result for eye roll emoji

  • HackWilson1930
    1,437 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 10:58 AM

    I use the mobile app to get credits watching video commercials. I multi-task, perhaps while watching TV. Last night I watched several hours of television while at the same time playing videos on my phone. I "earned" around 300 credits ($3.00)  for sitting in my chair being entertained. I might have earned more but I nodded off several times and missed starting a new video by several minutes. Yes, just watching videos or doing surveys at $3.00 per hour is not a good use of valuable time but when I planned on watching "Chicago PD"  and found a way to may "money" on the side I considered it a win/win.

  • Robert1893
    7,732 Posts
    Thu, May 4 2017 11:19 AM


    If you kept with it....

    You could watch 2 credit videos and earn an average of 5 credits a minute.

    That's 300 credits an hour.

    That's 2700 in a 9 hour work slot

    That assumes an unlimited number (or at least a very high number) of available videos. In other words, one does come to the end of available videos each day.

    Even so, on average, I earn about 125 credits per day watching the videos.


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