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Mon, Apr 3 2017 1:15 AM (7 replies)
  • conejo23
    20 Posts
    Sat, Apr 1 2017 3:35 PM

    Pleasure as allways to write a post!! 

    I would like to share the idea of introducing a handicap for all players of all TIERS because I think that would help even the game

    A) between players of same tier   ----  B) between players of different tiers giving the player of a higher tier the chance of winning a game.

    In short my idea of distributing those handicaps would be as follows:

    1. TOUR CHAMPION AND CHAMPIONS ....................................... 0 handicap
    2. TOUR LEGENDS ............................................................................ 1 to 3 handicap
    3. LEGENDS ......................................................................................... 4 to 9 handicap
    4. TOUR MASTERS .............................................................................. 10 to 12 hndicap
    5. MASTERS ........................................................................................... 13 to 15 handicap
    6. TOUR PRO ...........................................................................................16 to 18 hcp
    7. PRO ....................................................................................................... 18 to 24 hcp
    8. AMATEUR ............................................................................................. 25 to 30 hcp
    9. HACK ..................................................................................................... 31 to 36 hcp

    I know or suspect that to implement this idea would imply some mayor program modifications, but...really guys!! ...this wouls make this marvelous game a very superior game.... more fun for everyone.

    Of course I feel that the TOURNAMENTS we actually have wouls be played as today, that is, without the handicap assigned, only regulated by the players TIER!!

    I  hope this little collaboration will meet mayority support and one day we will see it implemented in this wonderful gameof golf.




  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 5:28 AM

    WGT will never introduce a handicap system. 

    Yours is ridiculous, those numbers are crazy! That's not a handicap system, it's a Christmas present for multi-accounters and sandbaggers!

  • WWilliams46
    91 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 6:38 AM

    Personal opinion is that handicap system is far too liberal for lower tiers and for me begs the question where would the incentive be improving and advancing ?  Why not stay a TP or a Master with adequate clubs & shorter tees etc. since the majority of the time you would be winning ?   Again, just one mans opinion.

  • adaputter
    1,954 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 12:03 PM


    Pleasure as allways to write a post!! 

    I would like to share the idea


    1. TOUR CHAMPION AND CHAMPIONS ....................................... 0 handicap
    2. TOUR LEGENDS ............................................................................ 1 to 3 handicap
    3. LEGENDS ......................................................................................... 4 to 9 handicap
    4. TOUR MASTERS .............................................................................. 10 to 12 hndicap
    5. MASTERS ........................................................................................... 13 to 15 handicap
    6. TOUR PRO ...........................................................................................16 to 18 hcp
    7. PRO ....................................................................................................... 18 to 24 hcp
    8. AMATEUR ............................................................................................. 25 to 30 hcp
    9. HACK ..................................................................................................... 31 to 36 hcp


    I know or suspect that to implement this idea would imply some mayor program modifications, but...really guys!! ...this wouls make this marvelous game a very superior game.... more fun for everyone.

    Of course I feel that the TOURNAMENTS we actually have wouls be played as today, that is, without the handicap assigned, only regulated by the players TIER!!

    I  hope this little collaboration will meet mayority support and one day we will see it implemented in this wonderful gameof golf.




    theres a handicap in place already

    some call it tee box handicap?


  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 12:44 PM

    theres a handicap in place already

    some call it tee box handicap?

    Nevertheless, high tiers with good clubs shoot lower scores from the far tees.

    Tierless equal chances call for some adjustment, maybe 2/3 of the numbers given(?)

  • web513
    79 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 3:36 PM

    got that right..there are enough sandbaggers and same guy's winning tourney's all the time

  • alosso
    21,091 Posts
    Sun, Apr 2 2017 9:32 PM

    Don't think that it would support sandbagging. With the right numbers (which I don't know yet) ev1 might win with his best game, regardless of tier. But, the best game would "by chance" also promote his average and tier.

    It's also not meant for all tournaments. But, if you look around, there are quite a few CCs who practice "handicap" successfully.

  • dyerbr
    633 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 1:15 AM

    I would like to see a handi-cap system based on, 1 Reaction time .

                                                                                             2 My finger's ability to recognise it.

                                                                                             3 My mouse's lack of respect for me.

                                                                                             4 A crazy meter.

                                                                                             5 WGT starter balls.

                                                                                             6 Lack of finances to buy decent clubs.

                                                                                             7 WGT'S Lack of recognition when I                                                                                                       have had one too many.

    I expect it to be implemented just after we get the Bank.   I wait with bated breath.