Pleasure as allways to write a post!!
I would like to share the idea of introducing a handicap for all players of all TIERS because I think that would help even the game
A) between players of same tier ---- B) between players of different tiers giving the player of a higher tier the chance of winning a game.
In short my idea of distributing those handicaps would be as follows:
- TOUR CHAMPION AND CHAMPIONS ....................................... 0 handicap
- TOUR LEGENDS ............................................................................ 1 to 3 handicap
- LEGENDS ......................................................................................... 4 to 9 handicap
- TOUR MASTERS .............................................................................. 10 to 12 hndicap
- MASTERS ........................................................................................... 13 to 15 handicap
- TOUR PRO ...........................................................................................16 to 18 hcp
- PRO ....................................................................................................... 18 to 24 hcp
- AMATEUR ............................................................................................. 25 to 30 hcp
- HACK ..................................................................................................... 31 to 36 hcp
I know or suspect that to implement this idea would imply some mayor program modifications, but...really guys!! ...this wouls make this marvelous game a very superior game.... more fun for everyone.
Of course I feel that the TOURNAMENTS we actually have wouls be played as today, that is, without the handicap assigned, only regulated by the players TIER!!
I hope this little collaboration will meet mayority support and one day we will see it implemented in this wonderful gameof golf.