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suggested tweaks to the game

rated by 0 users
Tue, Apr 4 2017 4:22 PM (9 replies)
  • woda1
    1 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 3:00 AM

    Some tweaks I'd like to see.

    When an opponent deliberately withdraws from a game, I don't want to see the Gift option pop up. If he/she withdraws, why would I want to gift them?

    Sometimes an opponent withdraws by other means forcing a recconnect countdown. (apart from poor connection, I'm convinced some folk are deliberately shutting down their putas or other devices) When this happens, the experience meter doesn't pop up denying you the option to increase your experience. I don't think this is fair and one should be awarded the experience gained during the uncompleted game.

    Lastly one commentators message particular annoys me..".Never up, never in"                    I can understand it if a shot or putt is short. A short ball cant drop in the cup. But I find it annoying to hear it when your ball passes the cup, especially if it misses by inches.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 8:51 AM

    Dude you`re posting from the wrong account . This is your sleeper account it only has 7 CTTH events and only 1 round of M/P . So what are you playing that you are experiencing all of the things ?

  • 11BC2
    555 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 9:37 AM

    Lol Lonnie ;).

    To throw out there, ranked rounds vs practice rounds don't mean anything imho (I have well over 5,000 practice rounds and very few ranked).  I wouldn't call him a sleeper until I see non-stop gifting happening on his home page!  Maybe he really can't stand the damn voices (they're probably not just in his head ^^).

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 10:02 AM

    I know all about practie rounds heck I play a ton of them myself . But the thing is those things the OPis talking about dont happen in practice rounds . There`s no gifting in practice rounds nor any of the other things they are talking about . Its also not in ctth play either so when is all this stuff happening ? Its not happening on this account since there is only 1 round of M/P so you tell me .If Im missing something then you let me know .

  • msejnoha
    63 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 3:35 PM

    When you play someone in a coin room on mobile, it's not a ranked round and doesn't affect your average. When I first started, those rooms were all I played because I didn't know any better. I couldn't figure out how my average was always 150 and my opponents were way lower. Now I've tiered up to Master and am struggling so bad it just as well be back to 150. Not saying the OP is one thing or another, as I have no idea about that. 


    When the game is over, a box pops up asking if you want to gift a sleeve of balls to your opponent. I agree with the OP that it is annoying when your opponent forfeits and it asks if you want to gift them balls. 

  • borntobesting
    9,755 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 6:27 PM

    Lonnie he is playing on mobile. The coin games must be what he is playing. I noticed in his activities that he rented some coin gear. They are not match play they are either 3 or 9 hole stroke play that are played in practice mode. You could play 1000's of them gaining experience points and advancing in levels and never tier up. I'm not sure how he advanced to tour pro. Must get advanced on mobile for winning coin games. 

  • Robert1893
    7,730 Posts
    Mon, Apr 3 2017 7:08 PM

    Lastly one commentators message particular annoys me..".Never up, never in"                    I can understand it if a shot or putt is short. A short ball cant drop in the cup. But I find it annoying to hear it when your ball passes the cup, especially if it misses by inches.

    Why don't you just turn off the commentary? In the mobile, simply set the commentary volume to 0.

  • lonniescott711
    4,207 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 11:34 AM


    Lonnie he is playing on mobile. The coin games must be what he is playing. I noticed in his activities that he rented some coin gear. They are not match play they are either 3 or 9 hole stroke play that are played in practice mode. You could play 1000's of them gaining experience points and advancing in levels and never tier up. I'm not sure how he advanced to tour pro. Must get advanced on mobile for winning coin games. 

    You know I keep forgetting about the mobile version because I never play it . I play on the pc platform and nothing else so I have no clue as to mobile . I was assuming they were playing on the pc version since they didnt specify what platform . So I stand corrected if need be . You would think that WGT would have one platform for all devices but that would be too simple .

  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 12:03 PM

    Yes, it's very true, in the coin games you get those annoying boxes, but I'll differ about tiring up,  by playing the coin rooms, my avg.dropped and I went all the way to TM.........I didn't start playing,,rrs,, til I wanted to advance to legend. I believe it is based on your winning, losing %. I also believe that there's something figured in there about the sandbagging rule.......not saying that he's sanding, but just fit into the parameters of those rules......that's the way it was explained to me anyways.....

  • kavvz
    2,195 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 4:22 PM

    Mobile coin rooms is how I started, and I'd imagine that since the advent of that app that's how most do.  

    That said, I'm sure glad I found out the game could be played on PC.  Hands down a better experience.