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Do U check your greens??

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Sat, Apr 30 2011 10:01 PM (4 replies)
  • StaticPappy
    46 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2011 4:37 PM

    I mean do you look at what the green speed is on each hole?

    I just want to know if I am the only one who looks at tourny green speed when I sign up... then assumes its the same on all holes on that tourny course.

    April 18-Hole Unlimited Play OAKMONT CC


    I was trying to play this one today. Trying as oak kicks my butt on a good day lol. I restarted the round by the 7th hole for the 5th time before i noticed. And was wondering why the greens were kicking me harder than the usual.
    As i missed badly a fairly easy putt I saw it laughing at me from the corner. STANDARD!
    Took a few tries to catch it as I think some greens were very fast and others were not. 
    I worked very hard to make the tier I made in 19 days. Did so for the main reason of getting my greens to never change! As a lower tier they changed game to game and was very hard to find a groove. The only time I want it to change is when im in a tourny that all player are on tourny greens in spite of tier.
    I read another post about legends being suddenly at new tee's... as a change just for this tourny to add more challenge. And in a few months when I'm a legend maybe I will need a surprise to add challenge. But till then its a joke i don't find funny.
    So if random green speeds is another added challenge I wont be playing in this one. Also feel added change/challenge items should be posted as this affects our game an we have a right to know before wasting our time or money/balls on them.
    If this is not a planned change then you have a tourny with freaky greens that needs fixed asap.
    Peace clams...

    Big edit note... this is not how i posted this and when i tried to fix.. adding nothing twice its still not right. So maybe this is item 2 you need to fix. I swear this merger with trugolf is just messing up every system on this site from forum to tournaments. TRUly sad. 

  • LeGeNdCrUsHeR
    2,067 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2011 4:41 PM

    Green speeds do not change in the middle of the game.

  • StaticPappy
    46 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2011 4:53 PM

    I am a Tour Pro on very fast yet my green in that simulation was in fact set to standard hence why I bothered to post on the issue.

    I know that the greens should not change in middle of games... but they could. Thats a fact cause all speed profiles are present on system. Hence a programming fluke can be possible.

    Peace clam

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2011 9:50 PM

    Some greens are slightly faster than others within a round. The 17th at St. Andrews is a prime example. As for the actual stated speed changing, then I have never had this.

  • StaticPappy
    46 Posts
    Sat, Apr 30 2011 10:01 PM

    Yes I am aware that greens runs a lil different hole to hole.. like a real course.

    THE BOX IN CORNER SAID STANDARD!! for the cheap seats ok.

    So if there is a reason why my very fast green went to standard green mid round then please explain so I can avoid those games.

    If there is no reason then there seems to be a problem!

    Hope that makes my point clear.

    Peace clam