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Wed, Apr 5 2017 4:49 AM (5 replies)
  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 9:07 AM

    Having a CC for few years now, and seeing many come and go, or deleted as in most cases.  I'm finding it interesting in recent history, and someone tell me how a person can have zero stats other than having a 150 average and be a Level 17 or higher. I see more and more L90 to 100 with minimum games played. Might be wrong but looks like mostly mobile players.  Not that I plan on spending anymore credits other than balls in the WGT, but after 3 years or more and thousands of rounds I'm still at L98. 

    I have many members who have gone from HACK to Champion in my CC, and I always accepted HACKs, as we all started out there.  Now, 150 ave., no stats, sorry, need to go somewhere else.


  • AussieMick11
    1,276 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 9:21 AM


    Might be wrong but looks like mostly mobile players.  

    Hi desotojo. Yes, they are very likely mobile players. Many mobile players only play 3-hole or 9-hole head-to-head "coin games" which are classed as practice rounds by wgt. We have many players like that in our club.


    Now, 150 ave., no stats, sorry, need to go somewhere else.

    Send them to NYCCC.

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 9:34 AM



    Might be wrong but looks like mostly mobile players.  

    Hi desotojo. Yes, they are very likely mobile players. Many mobile players only play 3-hole or 9-hole head-to-head "coin games" which are classed as practice rounds by wgt. We have many players like that in our club.


    Now, 150 ave., no stats, sorry, need to go somewhere else.

    Send them to NYCCC.

    Or send them to the winner of the bi-monthy clashes.   ;)

  • mkrizan86
    1,866 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 10:10 AM

    Having a CC for few years now, and seeing many come and go, or deleted as in most cases.  I'm finding it interesting in recent history, and someone tell me how a person can have zero stats other than having a 150 average and be a Level 17 or higher. I see more and more L90 to 100 with minimum games played. Might be wrong but looks like mostly mobile players.

    Practice rounds on PC and 3 or 9 hole head to head games on mobile don't count towards stats, but you do get the XP points for them. 

    I could play practice stroke, practice MP, skins, blitz, alt shot, anything but ranked stroke or scored (or challenge) match play and remaing a 150 avg Hack forever, while my XP level would go up nicely ;-)

    Now, 150 ave., no stats, sorry, need to go somewhere else.

    Not sure why they bother you, they no impact on your game and your WGT experience. And since they obviously don't play ranked stroke, they will never beat you in a CC tourney ;-)

  • desotojo
    2,513 Posts
    Tue, Apr 4 2017 1:39 PM


    Having a CC for few years now, and seeing many come and go, or deleted as in most cases.  I'm finding it interesting in recent history, and someone tell me how a person can have zero stats other than having a 150 average and be a Level 17 or higher. I see more and more L90 to 100 with minimum games played. Might be wrong but looks like mostly mobile players.

    Practice rounds on PC and 3 or 9 hole head to head games on mobile don't count towards stats, but you do get the XP points for them. 

    I could play practice stroke, practice MP, skins, blitz, alt shot, anything but ranked stroke or scored (or challenge) match play and remaing a 150 avg Hack forever, while my XP level would go up nicely ;-)

    Now, 150 ave., no stats, sorry, need to go somewhere else.

    That's true, and since I delete 80% before they reach Tour Pro for non play, I guess I'll just not accept them....

    Not sure why they bother you, they no impact on your game and your WGT experience. And since they obviously don't play ranked stroke, they will never beat you in a CC tourney ;-)


  • Luckystar5
    1,641 Posts
    Wed, Apr 5 2017 4:49 AM

    We, in our club would welcome them with open arms!  With the addition of the turf wars,  I feel that they would be a valuable asset!   Of course all are also,  but there are alot of people out there that don't care for the coin games.  Turf wars have opened up a whole new Balance of all the players in the cc s.  (Mobile and pc)  those that are the coin players, have helped our cc, tremendously, I personally thank them, for their contributions.